Vol. 11, No 3, 2013 pp. 255 - 265
UDC 793.31:351.854.7
Original research article

Nada Ristić, Sanja Mandarić, Dragan Jocić, Dušanka Lazarević
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Education, Serbia
E-mail: sanja.mandaric@fsfv.bg.ac.rs

Abstract. Dance, as a form of art and physical exercise, has a very significant role for humankind. Through performance of movements accompanied by music, man expresses his emotions, thereby "radiating" energy affecting both him and the world around him. Each nation has its own distinctive customs, which are priceless. By honoring and perpetuating the traditions of their ethnicity, men and women from Serbia have used dancing as a tool for seduction and expression of love for the opposite sex. In producing this work, we conducted a study using semantic differential, where we utilized a scale of assessment of aesthetic impression (Pejic, 2007). Research was conducted on a sample of 40 (20 female and 20 male) third year students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Belgrade. The aim of the research is to reveal relationships between the sexes, as well as the aesthetic assessment of folk dances from different ethnocoreologic areas in Serbia, according to aesthetic dimensions of harmony, semantic depth, evaluation, activity, and decoration. Regardless of the influence of the folk dances from different ethnocoreologic areas of Serbia, the results of the research indicate that female participants have a higher assessment of folk dances only on the basis of harmony and evaluation. Once we looked past the role of gender of the participants and focused on the assessment of folk dances from different ethnocoreologic areas in Serbia, we noticed differences between folk dances from different ethnocoreologic areas in dimensions of harmony, semantic depth, evaluation, and activity. The interaction between the participants' gender and the folk dances from different ethnocoreologic areas was spotted solely in the dimension of semantic depth.
Key words:  sex (gender), folk dances, art, and aesthetic assessment

Ples, kao vrsta umetnosti i kao oblik fizičkog vežbanja, ima veoma značajnu ulogu za ljudski rod. Izvođenjem pokreta uz muziku, čovek izražava svoja osećanja, čime ''zrači'' energijom koja utiče na njega samog, ali i na svet oko njega. Svaki narod ima sebi svojstvene običaje, koji su od neprocenjive vrednosti. Poštujući i održavajući tradiciju svoga naroda, muškarci i žene sa područja Srbije su koristili ples kao sredstvo zavođenja i iskazivanja ljubavi prema suprotnom polu. Za potrebe ovog rada sprovedeno je istraživanje tehnikom semantičkog diferencijala, pri čemu je korišćena skala procene estetskog doživljaja (Pejić, 2007). Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 40 studenata (20 ženskog i 20 muškog pola), treće godine Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja u Beogradu. Cilj istraživanja su relacije pola i estetske procene narodnih plesova, različitih etnokoreoloških područja Srbije, po estetskim dimenzijama sklada, semantičke dubine, evaluacije, aktiviteta i ukrasa. Zanemarujući uticaj narodnih plesova različitih etnokoreoloških područja Srbije, rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da, ispitanice više procenjuju narodne plesove od ispitanika samo na dimenzijama sklada i evaluacije. Kada se zanemari uloga pola ispitanika i posmatra samo procena narodnih plesova različitih etnokoreoloških područja Srbije, uočene su razlike između narodnih plesova različitih etnokoreoloških područja na dimenzijama sklada, semantičke dubine, evaluacije i aktiviteta. Interakcija između pola ispitanika i narodnih plesova različitih etnokoreoloških područja, zastupljena je samo na dimenziji semantičke dubine.
Ključne reči: pol, narodni plesovi, umetnost, estetska procena