Vol. 11, No 3, 2013 pp. 209 - 219
UDC 796 . – 053.6
Review article
Mustafa Kayıhan Erbaş1, Mehmet Güçlü2, Erdal Zorba2
1Aksaray University, School of Physical Education & Sport, Turkey
2Gazi University, School of Physical Education & Sport, Turkey
Abstract. In this study, the effects of parental attitudes on physical education course attitudes were examined on a group of the adolescents. The research population was made up of a total of 229 8th grade primary school students, and 113 (49.3%) of whom were female and 116 (50.7%) of whom were male. The parenting styles scale and physical education course attitude scale were administered on the research population. The questions for determining age and gender variables were asked together with the physical education course attitude scale. Descriptive statistics were utilized in line with the obtained data. Furthermore, the t-test was performed for the comparison of arithmetic means of physical education course attitude levels with respect to gender, the correlation analysis was conducted for the determination of the relations between sub-dimensions of the parental attitudes and physical education course attitude scale, and the regression analysis was performed for determination to which extent sub-dimensions of the parental attitudes predict physical education course attitudes. As a result, it was seen that adolescents display positive attitudes towards the physical education course, that they do not differ in terms of gender, that authoritarian mothers adopt a positive attitude towards the physical education course and positively influence physical education course attitude levels of the adolescents.
Key words: attitudes, parenting styles, physical education, adolescents
U ovom istraživanju, uticaj stavova roditelja o časovima fizičkog obrazovanja istraživani su an grupi adolescenata. Populacija na kojoj je vršeno istraživanje činilo je 229 učenika osmog razreda osnovne škole od kojih je 113 bilo muškog (49.3%) a 116 (50.7%) ženskog pola. Skala za analizu roditeljskog vaspitanja i skala za ocenu stave prema fizičkom obrazovanju primenjene su u ovom istraživanju. Pitanja koja se tiču određivanja varijabli vezanih za startost i pol uključena su u skalu za pitaanja o stavovima prema fizičkom obrazovanju. Deskriptivne statističke metode primenjene su na prikupljenim podacima. Dalje, t-test je korišćen kako bi se poredile aritmetičke sredine stavova prema fizičkom obrazovanju u odnosu na pol a korelaciona analiza je sprovedena za određivanje odnosa između pod-dimenzija koje se tiču skale o roditeljskim stavovima prema fizičkom obrazovanju, a regresiona analiza korišćena je kako bi se odredilo do koje mere pod-dimenzije roditeljskih statova predviđaju stavove dece prema fizičkom obrazovanju. Kao posledica toga, ustanovljeno je da adolescent imaju pozitivne stavove prema časovima fizičkog obrazovanja, da se ne razlikuju po pitanju pola, da majke koje imaju jak autoritativni stav imaju pozitivne stavove prema časovima fizičkog obrazovanja i imaju pozitivan uticaj na stavove adolescenata prema fizičkom obrazovanju.
Ključne reči: stavovi, stil roditeljstva, fizičko obrazovanje, adolescenti