Vol. 11, No 3, 2013 pp. 197 - 208
UDC 796.37.062
Original research article

Saša Bubanj1, Mladen Živković1, Ratko Stanković1, Borislav Obradović2, Tijana Purenović-Ivanović1, Anđela Đošić#1
1Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia, #PhD student
2Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
E-mail: bubanjsasa@yahoo.co.uk

Abstract. Body movement produced by muscles requires energy. Thus, there is an interaction between physical activity, body weight, body composition, and energy expenditure. The aims of the current research were to determine the body mass index (BMI), body fat and skeletal muscle mass levels and differences in the high school population of athletes and non-athletes of both genders. Two hundred and forty high school students (120 athletes, 120 non-athletes) aged 16,65±1,14 years (Mean±Std.Dev), with body height 170,62±8,60 cm (Mean±Std.Dev) and body weight 61,11± 10,95 kg (Mean±Std.Dev), a total of 69 males, 171 females, participated in the cross-sectional research. First, Body Height and Body Weight were determined. Then, the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) was used to determine body composition: Body Mass Index - BMI, Body Fat - BF (in %), Skeletal Muscle - MUSCLE (in %) and Resting Metabolism - RM (in kcal). The statistical procedure included descriptive statistics and the t test for independent samples in analyzing the significance of the differences between the sub-sample of athletes and non-athletes, as well as between males and females. The results pointed out that athletes, compared to non-athletes, i.e., males compared to females, do have better body composition (statistically significant differences were determined). Although the majority of the results are within the recommended range, the negative ones, obtained dominantly by the non-athletes and females are most likely a consequence of the continuous lack of adequate physical activity, and an imbalance between energy output and dietary calorie intake, as well as sexual dimorphism.
Key words:  Body composition, high school students, athletes, non-athletes, gender, differences

Za kretanje tela pod dejstvom mišića neophodna je energija. Dakle, postoji interakcija između fizičke aktivnosti, telesne težine, sastava tela i potrošnje energije. Ciljevi aktuelnog istraživanja bili su da se utvrde indeks telesne mase (BMI), nivoi telesnih masti i skeletnih mišića, i razlike u srednjoškolskoj populaciji sportista i nesportista oba pola. Dvestačetrdeset srednjoškolaca (120 sportista, 120 nesportista) starosti 16,65±1,14 godina (Mean±Std.Dev), telesne visine 170,62±8,60 cm (Mean±Std.Dev) i telesne težine 61,11±10,95 kg (Mean±Std.Dev), ukupno 69 muškaraca, 171 devojaka, učestvovalo je u aktuelnom transferzalnom istraživanju. Najpre, utvrđene su telesna visina i telesna težina. Nakon toga, primenjena je analiza bioelektrične impedance (BIA) za utvrđivanje telesnog sastava: indeksa telesne mase-BMI, telesnih masti-BF (u %), skeletnih mišića-MUSCLE (u %) i metabolizma u mirovanju-RM (u kcal). Statistička procedura obuhvatila je deskriptivnu statistiku i t test za nezavisne uzorke u analizi značajnosti razlika između subuzorka sportista i subuzorka nesportista, kao i između muškaraca i devojaka. Rezultati su ukazali da je kod sportista u odnosu na nesportiste, kao i muškaraca u odnosu na devojke utvrđen bolji telesni sastav (utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike). Premda je većina rezultata u okviru preporučenih vrednosti, negativni, utvrđeni dominantno kod nesportista i devojaka, najverovatnije su posledica nedostatka fizičke aktivnosti i neuravnoteženosti između potrošnje energije i dnevnog unosa kalorija, kao i polnog dimorfizma.
Ključne reči: sastav tela, srednjoškolci, sportisti, nesportisti, pol, razlike