Vol. 11, No 2, 2013 pp. 177 - 186
UDC 796.012
Original research article
Miroljub Ivanović1, Uglješa Ivanović2
1High Specialized School for Nursery Teachers Education, Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia
2Alpha University, Sports Management College, Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract. Functional and motor abilities of the adolescent population are preconditions for preserving and improving their psychophysical health, as well as for achieving successful results in physical education classes and sports trainings. The aim of this study was to examine differences in some motor and functional abilities of participants in the period of early adolescence. During September 2012, the examination included 178 male participants, 14-15 years of age (90 athletes and 88 non-athletes) from Valjevo. The sample of variables consisted of 9 motor abilities tests and four functional tests. Statistical was analyses were carried out using software Statistics for Windows, ver.6.0. The collected data were processed by basic methods of descriptive statistics, the Student's parametric t-test for small independent samples, and by a canonical disriminant analysis. The obtained findings showed that the subsample of athletes demonstrated a statistically significant difference, while the subsample of non-athletes manifested a higher level of explosive power, sprint speed, vital lung capacity, systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure. This is the result of several years of training. The results in this discriminant study offer a wide range of information, which can have practical application with p <.005 in defining functional-motor model values, offer higher quality plan and work schedule development in both physical education and teaching, as well as in the operationalization of transformational behavior of eight grade elementary schoolboys.
Key words: motor abilities; functional abilities, differences
Funkcionalne i motoričke sposobnosti adolescentske populacije preduslov su očuvanja i poboljšanja njihovog psihofizičkog zdravlja, kao i postizanja uspešnih rezultata na časovima fizičkog vaspitanja i sportskih treninga. Cilj rada bio je da se ispitaju razlike u nekim motoričkim i funkcionalnim sposobnostima ispitanika u periodu rane adolescencije. Tokom septembra 2012. godine, u istraživanju je učestvovalo 178 ispitanika muškog pola, uzrasta 14–15 godina (90 sportista i 88 nesportista) iz Valjeva. Uzorak varijabli sastojao se od 9 testova motoričkih sposobnosti i 4 funkcionalna testa. Statistička obrada podataka rađena je u programskom paketu Statistica for Windows, ver. 6.0. Prikupljeni podaci obrađeni su osnovnim postupcima deskriptivne statistike, Studentovim parametrijskim t-testom za male nezavisne uzorke i kanoničkom diskriminativnom analizom. Dobijeni nalazi pokazali su da se subuzorak sportista statistički značajno razlikuje od subuzorka nesportista većim nivoom u eksplozivnoj snazi, sprinterskoj brzini, vitalnom kapacitetu pluća, sistolnom i dijastolnom arterijskom krvnom pritisku. To je posledica uticaja višegodišnjeg bavljenja trenažnim procesima. Rezultati u ovoj diskriminativnoj studiji daju niz informacija, koje sa verovatnoćom p < .005 mogu imati svoju praktičnu primenu u definisanju funkcionalno-motoričkih modelnih vrednosti, kvalitetnijoj izradi plana i programa rada u nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja i sportu, kao i u operacionalizaciji transformacijskih postupaka kod dečaka učenika VIII razreda osnovne škole.
Ključne reči: motoričke sposobnosti; funkcionalne spsosobnosti, razlike