Vol. 11, No 1, 2013 pp. 93 - 102
UDC 796.342:512.547 (497.11)   
Original research article

Tamara Kovačević1, Ivana Bojić2, Vladimir Koprivica1
1Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia
2Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia
Abstract. The basic aim of this research was to determine the differences in motor abilities of female tennis players of the national team of Serbia aged 12, 14 and 16. The research sample consisted of 15 female tennis players, five national team players for each age category. Overall 14 measures for the estimation of motor abilities were applied as follows: three for the estimation of speed, four for the estimation of power, two for the estimation of endurance and five for the estimation of agility/coordination. On the basis of the ANOVA, the obtained results determined statistically significant intergroup differences in the tests for the estimation of power (Sig. < .01) and in the tests for the estimation of speed and coordination (Sig. < .05). Better results in almost all tests were obtained by the tennis players of the oldest age category, except in the test for the estimation of the coordination, this being movement speed on the forehand side, where the best results were obtained by the female tennis players aged up to 12. After the administered Post Hoc Test for the estimation of intergroup differences the results have shown that female tennis players aged up to 16 were the best in the tests of power and speed, and the youngest national team players (up to 12) in the test of coordination. It can be concluded that growth (puberty) as well as the training process caused the presence of all intergroup differences in motor abilities of female tennis players of different age categories.
Key words:  tennis, motor abilities, differences, national team players, Serbia.

Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrde razlike u motoričkim sposobnostima teniserki reprezentacije Srbije uzrasta 12, 14 i 16 godina. Uzorak je obuhvatio ukupno 15 teniserki, po pet reprezentativki za svaku uzrasnu kategoriju. Primenjeno je ukupno 14 mera za procenu motoričkih sposobnosti i to: tri za procenu brzine, četiri za procenu snage, dve za procenu izdržljivosti i pet za procenu agilnosti/koordinacije. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih ANOVA-om utvrđene su statistički značajne međugrupne razlike u testovima za procenu snage (Sig. < .01) i u testovima za procenu brzine i koordinacije (Sig. < .05). Bolje rezultate u skoro svim testovima postigle su teniserke najstarije uzrasne kategorije, osim u testu za procenu koordinacije i to Brzina kretanja na forhend stranu gde su najbolje bile teniserke uzrasta do 12 godina. Nakon primene Post Hoc Test za utvrđivanje međugrupnih razlika, rezultati su pokazali da su teniserke uzrasta do 16 godina bile najbolje u testovima snage i brzine, a najmlađe reprezentativke (do 12 godina) u testu koordinacije. Može se zaključiti da rast (period puberteta) kao i trenažni proces utiču na postojanje svih međugrupnih razlika u motoričkim sposobnostima teniserki različitih uzrasnih kategorija.
Ključne reči: tenis, motoričke sposobnosti, razlike, reprezentativke, Srbija.