Vol. 11, No 1, 2013 pp. 81 - 92
UDC 796:685.6   
Original research article

Nenad Živanović1, Nebojša Ranđelović1, Zoran Milošević2, Danica Piršl1, Nedeljko Bogdanović3, Siniša Rančić3
1University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia
2University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad, Serbia
3University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, Niš, Serbia
Abstract. Scientific technical vocabulary in Serbian is amply susceptible to the adoption of new words due to the constant development of science and technology and to the emergence of new scientific fields of knowledge, so term formation is of a vital role in lexicology and terminology evolution, and the area of physical education and sports terminology in Serbian is no exception. Gloss formation systems and their language units are highly influenced by syntactic means of nomination, namely syntagmas. Not all syntagmas are evenly represented in contemporary language. Consequently, several questions are posed and tackled in this paper: (1) can, this language unit, (syntagma and syntagma construction) assume term values in sport and physical education terminology in Serbian and the answer to this question is positive, and then (2) what is the best way to recognize when a syntagma or syntagma construction assumes a terminological value. This research will probe into the analysis of the structural grammar characteristics of syntagmas and their lexical and grammar classes and subclasses using the faculty course books for the Serbian corpus. The paper then identifies and describes language structures of syntagmas that in sports language in Serbian assume term values (that is term usage values). On the basis of the obtained research results one can conclude that in sports games terminology in Serbian, within the class of two parts syntagmas, the dominant role is ascribed to the noun syntagmas in several different models, with the verb, that is with the noun as the main word.
Key words:  physical education, sports games, terminology, syntagma.

U vezi sa aktivnom prijemčivošću leksike naučno-tehničkog jezika ka pojavi novih reči uslovljenom neprekidnim procesom razvoja nauke i tehnike, a takođe pojavom novih grana znanja, zakonitosti tvorbe termina predstavljaju naročiti interes kako u terminologiji uopšte, tako i u pojedinim terminolškim sferama kao što je fizička kultura (i sport u okviru nje). U izgradnji sistema stručnih pojmova i njihovog jezičkog izražavanja, veliku ulogu igraju sintaksička sredstva nominacije, među njima i sintagme. Nisu svi tipovi sintagmi jednako prisutni u savremenom jeziku. U ovom istraživanju načinjen je pokušaj da se proanaliziraju strukturno-gramatičke osobenosti sintagmi i njihovih leksičko-gramatičkih klasa i potklasa koristeći materijale uzete iz fakultetskih udžbenika. Može se na osnovu izvršenog istraživanja utvrditi da su u terminologiji sportskih igara u okviru fizičke kulture u okviru prostih dvokomponentnih sintagmi zastupljene pre svega glagolske i imeničke sintagme u okviru nekoliko različitih modela, sa glagolom, odnosno imenicom kao glavnom reči.
Ključne reči: fizička kultura, sportske igre, terminologija, sintagma, leksičko-gramatički tipovi sintagmi.