Vol. 11, No 1, 2013 pp. 57 - 64
UDC 796.325: 616.89-008.441
Original research article
Damir Jurko1, Goran Nešić2, Toplica Stojanović3
1University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia
2University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia
3University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Physical EDucation and Sport, Banja Luka,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Abstract. Sixty minutes before their match, 47 senior male volleyball players filled out the CSAI2R questionnaire for assessing the level and the direction of somatic and cognitive anxiety and self-confidence. Volleyball players, on average, have a low level of somatic and cognitive anxiety (just over the minimum values), and a high level of self-confidence. On average, the participants perceive somatic and cognitive anxiety as something that has a slightly positive impact on their performance, while self-confidence has a moderately positive impact on their performance. For the purposes of further data analysis, the participants were classified into two groups. The first group included volleyball players (N=31) who, following the match, evaluated their performance as above average. The second group included volleyball players (N=16) who evaluated their performance as below average. There were no significant differences in the level and directionality of separate anxiety components and self-confidence found by an independent sample T-test between the two groups of volleyball players. In order to emphasize the differences between the groups, the analysis of differences was performed between 5 volleyball players who evaluated their performance as excellent and 5 volleyball players who evaluated their performance as very poor. Players who, just after the match, evaluated their performance as very poor, had a significantly higher level of cognitive anxiety prior to the match, in comparison to players who evaluated their performance as excellent. The obtained results confirm the negative relationship of the cognitive anxiety component and situational efficacy.
Key words: somatic anxiety, cognitive anxiety, self-confidence, volleyball
Šezdeset minuta pre utakmice, 47 odbojkaša seniora popunilo je CSAI2R upitnik za procenu nivoa i pravca somatske i kognitive uznemirenosti kao i nivo samopouzdanja. Odbojkaši, u proseku, imaju nizak nivo somatske i kognitivne uznemmirenosti (nešto iznad minimalnih vrednosti), a pri tom imaju visok nivo samopouzdanja. U proseku, učesnici su somatsku i kognitivnu uznemirenost doživeli kao nešto što pozitivno utiče na njihovu igru, dok samopouzdanje ima tek blagi pozitivni uticaj na njihov rad. Radi dalje analize podataka, učesnici su podeljeni u dve grupe. Prvu grupu činili su odbojkaši (N=31) koji su, po završetku utakmice, za svoj učinak rekli da je bio iznad proseka. Drugu grupu činili su obojkaši (N=16) koji su za svoj učinak rekli da je bio ispod proseka. Nisu uočene značajne razlike u nivou i pravcu komponenti uznemirenosti ili samopouzdanja koji su utvrđeni t-testom za nezavisne uzorke, odnosno dve grupe odbojkaša. Kako bi se istakle razlike između grupa, analiza razlike izvršena je između 5 odbojkaša od kojih su svi ocenili svoj učinak kao odličan i 5 odbojkaša koji su svoj učinak ocenili ka vrlo loš. Odbojkaši koji su, nakon utakmice, ocenili svoj učinak kao vrlo loš imali su značajno veće nivoe kognitivne uznemirenosti u poređenju sa odbojkašima koji su svoj učinak ocenili kao odličan. Postignuti rezultati potvrđuju negativan odnos između kognitivne uznemirenosti i situacionih sposobnosti.
Ključne reči: somatska uznemirenost, kognitivna anksioznost, samopouzdanje, odbojka.