Vol. 11, No 1, 2013 pp. 23 - 33
UDC 543.645-055.1
Original research article
Slađana Rakić1, Miloš Marković1, Milivoj Dopsaj1,
Dragan Mlađan2, Dane Subošić2
1University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia
2The Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract. The current generic model of body composition is defined by four primary dimensions: water, proteins, minerals and fat mass. The most contemporary method of body composition analysis is the method of bioelectrical impedance (BIA) which registers a large number of body structure indicators quickly and noninvasively. One of the elements of body structure and the one most responsible for man's quality demonstration of motor abilities is muscle mass structure. In previous technological attempts at the examination of man's morphological structure, muscle mass was estimated indirectly and in that way its quantitative characteristics were defined. The goal of this research is to define the initial model of men's muscle structure indicators measured by means of the direct method and to do that via the multichannel bioelectrical impedance of the latest generation – InBody 720. The basic participant characteristics were: age 30.81±9.73 years, mass 86.17±14.95 kg, height 182.35±7.09 cm, BMI 25.88±3.99. This research comprises six variables for defining muscle components of body structure: two primary (proteins and skeletal muscle mass) and four derived (ratios between: skeletal and muscle mass, proteins and muscle mass, proteins and body mass, BMI and proteins) variables. The results showed the following descriptive values of the measured variables: proteins 14.11±1.64 kg, muscle mass 40.59±4.99 kg, the percentage of muscle mass in the body 47.59±4.34 %, the index of muscle thickness 0.348±0.002 kg, percentage of proteins in the body 0.165±0.015 kg, the ratio between BMI and proteins 1.842±0.246. The dispersion of the data results indicates that all the variables can be used as representative and scientifically valid for further studies.
Key words: proteins, body composition, muscles, men
Aktuelni generički model telesne kompozicije definisan je sa četiri osnovne dimenzije: voda, proteini, minerali i masti. Najsavremenija metoda analize telesnog sastava je metoda bioelektrične impedance (BIA) koja brzo i neinvazivno registruje veliki broj pokazatelja telesne strukture. Jedan od činilaca telesne strukture, a najodgovorniji za kvalitativno ispoljavanje motorike kod čoveka je struktura mišićne mase. U dosadašnjim tehnološkim postupcima ispitivanja morfološke strukture kod ljudi, mišićna masa je procenjivana indirektno i tako su utvrđivane njene kvantitativne karakteristike. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da definiše inicijalni model indikatora mišićne strukture kod muškaraca merene direktnom metodom i to multikanalnom bioelektričnom impedancom najnovije genereacije – InBody 720. Osnovne karakteristike ispitanika su bile: uzrast 30.81±9.73 godina, masa 86.17±14.95 kg, visina 182.35±7.09 cm, BMI 25.88±3.99. Ovim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je šest varijabli za definisanje mišićne komponente telesne strukture: dve osnovne (proteini i masa skeletnih mišića) i četiri izvedene (odnosi: skeletne i mišićne mase, proteina i mišićne mase, proteina i telesne mase, BMI i proteina) varijable. Rezultati su pokazali sledeće deskriptivne vrednosti ispitivanih varijabli: proteini 14.11±1.64 kg, mišićna masa 40.59±4.99 kg, procenat mišićne mase u telu je 47.59±4.34 %, indeks gustine mišića 0.348±0.002 kg, procenat proteina u telu 0.165±0.015 kg, odnos BMI i proteina je 1.842±0.246. Rezultati mera disperzije ukazuju da se sve varijable mogu koristiti kao reprezentativne i naučno validne za dalja istraživanja.
Ključne reči: proteini, telesni sastav, mišići, muškarci