Vol. 10, No 4, Special Issue, 2012 pp. 305 - 309
UDC 613.71:-055.2
Original research article

Milena Mikalački1, Mikloš Emeše1, Nebojša Čokorilo1, Darinka Korovljev1, Pedro J. Ruiz Montero2
1University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad, Serbia
2Department of Physical Education and Sport, School of Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Abstract. The aim of this paper was to examine the influence of Pilates exercises on the flexibility of women. The research was conducted on an adequate sample of women (n=60), aged 35-40, consisting of 38 participants who did Pilates exercises (the experimental group) and 22 participants who did no type of recreational activities (the control group) from the territory of Novi Sad. The experimental program of exercises called Pilates was conducted over a period of 6 months, twice a week. The flexibility of the participants was evaluated by implementing three motor tests: 1) the Flex with a bat for the evaluation of the dynamic flexibility of the shoulder; 2) the Seated hamstring stretch for the evaluation and monitoring of the flexibility of the posterior side of the thigh (m. semitendinosus, m. semimembranosus and m. biceps femoris) and the muscles of the lower leg (m. gastrocnemius and m. soleus); 3 the Standing hamstring stretch, for the stretching of the posterior side of the thigh (m. semitendinosus, m. semimembranosus and m. biceps femoris) in a standing position, modified for the evaluation and monitoring of flexibility of the mentioned muscles, as well as for the gluteal muscles and the erector spinæ muscle group. The use of the multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) established the existence of statistically significant differences in flexibility between the experimental and control group.
Key words:  Pilates, women, flexibility, motor tests

Cilj ovog rada bio je da se istraži uticaj Pilates vežbi na fleksibilnost kod žena. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na odgovarajućem uzorku žena (n=60), sa teritorije Novog Sada, starosti 35-40 godina, podeljenih na eksperimentalni sub-uzorak (n=38) koji je sprovodio vežbe Pilatesa i kontrolni sub-uzorak (n=22) koji nije sprovodio nijedan vid rekreativnih aktivnosti. Eksperimentalni program Pilates vežbi sprovođen je u trajanju od 6 meseci, dva puta nedeljno. Fleksibilnost kod ispitanica je procenjivana primenom tri motorička testa: 1) fleksije sa palicom za procenu dinamičke fleksibilnosti ramena; 2) istezanja m. semitendinosusa, m. semimembranosusa i biceps femorisa (engl. Hamstring) u sedećem položaju za procenu i praćenje fleksibilnosti mišića zadnje lože buta i mišića potkolenice (m. gastrocnemiusa i m. soleusa; 3) istezanja mišića zadnje lože buta (m. semitendinosusa, m. semimembranosusa i m. biceps femorisa) u uspravnom položaju, modifikovano za procenu i praćenje fleksibilnosti navedenih mišića, kao i glutealnih i mišića opružača kičmenog stuba. Primenom metode multivarijantne analize kovarijanse (MANCOVA) utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u fleksibilnosti između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe.
Ključne reči: pilates, žene, fleksibilnost, motorički testovi