Vol. 10, No 4, Special Issue, 2012 pp. 296 - 303
UDC 796.01:796.015.52
Original research article
Saša Bubanj1, Mladen Živković1, Ratko Stanković1,
Dobrica Živković1, Radoslav Bubanj1, Aleksandar Dimić
1University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia
2University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Niš, Serbia
Abstract. From the biomechanical aspect, explosive strength is required in athletic sport disciplines like long jumping, high jumping and throwing. Particularly, it is required in technical gestures like take off and landing in vertical jumping. The aims of the current research were to determine difference in the explosive strength of lower extremities between: 1) athletes and non-athletes; 2) the participants in relation to gender; 3) athletes in relation to their sport activity. The sample of participants consisted of 240 individuals (120 athletes and 120 non-athletes, i.e., 106 male and 134 female participants, respectively), chosen from the population of high-school students. All of the participants performed five CMJ without the arm swing in order to determine, by using the Myotest device (Sion, Switzerland) the following variables of explosive strength: Height (expressed in cm); Power (expressed in W/kg); Force (expressed in N/kg) and Velocity (expressed in cm/s). For the statistical analysis and interpretation of the results, the statistical package SPSS 13.0 was used. The results were expressed by descriptive statistics, while in order to calculate the statistically significant difference in the explosive strength of lower extremities between participants in relation to their sport activity and gender, the t-test, ANOVA and POST HOC (LSD) test were used. The best results for the variables Height, Power, and Velocity were achieved by basketball players, while the best results for variable Force were achieved by non-athletes. In general, athletes and male participants performed better on functional tests than non-athletes and female participants, respectively. The statistically significant differences were determined between groups of athletes for all the variables, except for the variable Force. It can be supposed that a yearlong basketball practice represents a good basis for the development of superior jumping abilities in basketball players, in comparison to other athletes in the current research. In general, the results were similar when the athletes and non-athletes, who participated in the current research, were compared: certain sport activities contribute to the difference in explosive strength of the lower extremities.
Key words: Explosive strength, countermovement jump, athletes, non-athletes, gender, differences
Sa biomehaničkog aspekta eksplozivna snaga je neophodna u atletskim disciplinama poput skoka u dalj, skoka u vis i bacanja. Naročito, neophodna je u elementima tehnike kao što su odskok i doskok u vertikalnim skokovima. Ciljevi aktuelnog istraživanja bili su da se utvrdi razlika u eksplozivnoj snazi donjih ekstremiteta između: 1) sportista i nesportista; 2) ispitanika u odnosu na pol; 3) sportista u odnosu na njihovu sportsku aktivnost. Uzorak ispitanika sačinjavalo je 240 ispitanika (120 sportista i 120 nesportista, tj., 106 ispitanika muškog i 134 ispitanika ženskog pola, tim redosledom), odabranih iz srednjoškolske populacije učenika. Svi ispitanici su izveli pet skokova sa počučnjem bez zamaha ruku, sa ciljem da se utvrde, upotrebom uređaja Myotest (Sion, Švajcarska), sledeće varijable eksplozivne snage: Visina (izražena u cm); Snaga (izražena u W/kg); Sila (izražena u N/kg) i Brzina (izražena u cm/s). Za statističku analizu i pretstavljanje rezultata korišćen je statistički paket SPSS 13.0. Rezultati su izraženi deskriptivnom statistikom, dok su u cilju utvrđivanja statistički značajne razlike u eksplozivnoj snazi donjih ekstremiteta između ispitanika, u odnosu na njihovu sportsku aktivnost i pol, korišćeni t-test, metod ANOVA-e i POST HOC (LSD) test. Najbolje rezultate u varijablama Visina, Snaga i Brzina, postigli su košarkaši, dok su najbolji rezultat u varijabli Sila postigli nesportisti. Uopšte uzev, sportisti i ispitanici muškog pola su funkcionalni test sproveli bolje od nesportista i ispitanika ženskog pola, respektivno. Statistički značajne razlike su utvrđene između grupa sportista u svim varijablama, osim u varijabli Sila. U odnosu na aktuelno istraživanje može se pretpostaviti da višegodišnje bavljenje košarkom predstavlja dobru osnovu za razvoj skakačkih sposobnosti košarkaša u poređenju sa drugim sportistima. Uopšteno, isto važi i kod poređenja sportista i nesportista koji su učestvovali u aktuelnom istraživanju: određene sportske aktivnosti doprinose razlici u eksplozivnoj snazi donjih ekstremiteta.
Ključne reči: eksplozivna snaga, skok sa počučnjem, sportisti, nesportisti, pol, razlike