Vol. 10, No 3, 2012 pp. 257 - 266
UDC 793.3.015
Original research article

Adriana Ljubojević1, Snežana Bijelić1, Meta Zagorc2, Lepa Radisavljević3, Slavoljub Uzunović4, Kristina Pantelić1
1Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2Faculty of Sports, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
3Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Belgrade, Serbia
4Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia
E-mail: adri.lukic@gmail.com

Abstract. The aim of this research is to determine effects of proprioceptive training on the improvement of balance skills among sport dance dancers. Proprioceptive training is realized throughout tasks that included the establishing and maintenance of various positions on balance boards of different dimensions, working surfaces and the size of the backbone. In this study, 38 sport dance competitors participated, both male and female, divided into an experimental and control group. The experimental group took part in a proprioceptive training program over a period of 12 weeks (3 x 30 minutes per week). The control group (at the same time as the experimental) had regular sport dance training. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, balance skills were measured by means of 7 different balance tests: the one-leg balance, two-leg balance, balancing with open or closed eyes. Basic descriptive statistics were calculated for all of the results. The effects of the applied proprioceptive model were determined using a multivariate (MANCOVA) and univariate (ANCOVA) analysis of covariance. Statistically significant differences among the groups in the final measurement (p=.00) show a positive effect of the applied proprioceptive training program on the development of balance skills with the experimental group, in all the tests. Therefore, the use of a proprioceptive training model, as an innovative approach in individual and group fitness dance training, is recommended.
Key words:  proprioceptive training, balance, sport dance

Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se odredi uticaj proprioceptivnog treninga na poboljšanje sposbnosti održavanja ravnoteže na primeru sportskih plesača. Proprioceptivni trening se realizije kroz zadatke u koje spadaju uspostavljanje i održavanje različitih poza na spravama za održavanje ravnoteže raznih dimenzija, radnim površinama, uz razne veličine kostiju kičme. U ovom istraživanju učestvovalo je 38 sportskih plesača, muškaraca i žena, podeljenih u eksperimentalnu i kontrolnu grupu. Eksperimentalna grupa je imala proprioceptivni trening tokom perioda od 12 nedelja (3 x 30 minuta svake nedelje). Kontrolna grupa (u isto vreme kao i eksperimentalna) je imala redovni trening sportskog plesa. Na početku i kraju eksperimenta, sposobnosti održavanja ravnoteže su merene upotrebom 7 različitih testova održavanja ravnoteže: ravnoteža na jednoj nozi, ravnoteža na dve noge, održavanje ravnoteže sa zatvorenim i otvorenim očima. Osnovni deskriptivni parametri su izračunati za sve rezultate. Posledice primenjenog proprioceptivnog modela su određeni upotrebom multivarijantne (MANCOVA) i univarijantne (ANCOVA) analize kovarijanse. Statistički značajne razlike između grupa na poslednjem merenju (p=.00) ukazuju na pozitivni efekat primenjenog proprioceptivnog treninga na razvoj sposobnosti održavanja ravnoteže kod eksperimentalne grupe, na svim testovima. Samim tim, upotreba proprioceptivnog modela treninga, kao inovativni pristup individualnom i grupnom fitnes plesnom treningu, se preporučuje.
Ključne reči: proprioceptivni trening, balans, sportski ples