Vol. 10, No 3, 2012 pp. 243 - 256
UDC 796.012.36/431.2
Original research article

Milan Matić1, Vladimir Mrdaković1, Nenad Janković1, Duško Ilić1, Đorđe Stefanović1, Saša Kostić2
1Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2Secondary Technical School, Ub, Serbia
E-mail: milan.matic@dif.bg.ac.rs

Abstract. The aim of this paper was to perform a kinematic analysis of the take-off, and especially to examine the relationships of active landing (AL) and run-up velocity (RUV) with the take-off variables and the length of jump (L), as well as to determine the influence of our model and individual influence of each independent variable on the dependent variable – (L). The authors' intention was to apply the obtained results in practice – with the possibility of helping a population of average women long jumpers to approach the model of an elite woman long jumper. An experimental method was applied in the research to the sample of 25 successful long jumps of different length and the velocity of the approach of the junior world champion Ivana Španović. The results were measured by the Qualisys ProReflex MCU 240 motion capture 3D infrared system. The Pearson correlation analysis was used to establish the correlation between the variables. The standard multiple regression was used to measure the percentage of the influence of the model and each variable at L. It was found that the variables of the take-off change with the increase of RUV. The highest correlation with RUV was determined for the variables: (L) r = 0.696 and p = 0.000 and (TA) r = 0.603 p = 0.001. The standard multiple regression was used to calculate that our model (RUV, AL, KATD, AATD, LATD, TA, TOD) explained the variance L with 69%. It was concluded that TOD, LATD and RUV statistically significantly explain the variance L. To realize the maximum length of the jump, the jumpers should achieve the highest possible RUV and minimize the loss of the resulting take-off velocity with AL, the LATD should be about 63°, the KATD and TA should be increased, while the TOD should be shortened with the increase of RUV. It was found that AL does not correlate with RUV, but there is a statistically significant correlation of AL with TOD, which has a large impact on L.
Key words:  biomechanics of sport, run-up velocity, take-off duration, take-off angle

Cilj ove studije je bio da se izvrši kinematička analiza odskoka, a posebno da se ispitaju odnosi zagrebanja (AL) i brzine zaleta (RUV) sa varijablama odskoka i dužinom skoka (L), i da se utvrdi uticaj našeg modela i pojedinačan uticaj svake nezavisne na zavisnu varijablu - (L). Namera autora je da se dobijeni rezultati primene u praksi - kao mogućnost da se pomogne prosečnoj populaciji skakačica u približavanju modelu vrhunske daljašice. U istraživanju je primenjena eksperimentalna metoda na uzorku od 25 uspešno izvedenih skokova udalj iz različitih dužina i brzina zaleta, juniorske prvakinje sveta Ivane Španović. Podaci su izmereni 3D infracrvenim sistemom marke Qualisys ProReflex MCU 240 motion capture. Za utvrđivanje povezanosti između varijabli korišćena je Pearson korelaciona analiza. Standardnom višestrukom regresijom je određivan procentualni uticaj modela i pojedinačno svake varijable na L. Utvrđeno je da se varijable odskoka menjaju sa povećanjem (RUV). Najveću korelaciju sa (RUV) imaju varijable: (L) r = 0,696 p = 0,000 i (TA) r = 0,603 p = 0,001. Standardnom višestrukom regresijom je izračunato da naš model (RUV, AL, KATD, AATD, LATD, TA, TOD) sa 69% objašnjava varijansu L. Zaključeno je da TOD, LATD i RUV statistički značajno objašnjavaju varijansu L. Za realizovanje maksimalne dužine skoka skakači/ce treba da postignu što veću RUV i minimizuju gubitak rezultantne brzine odskoka pomoću AL, LATD treba da je oko 63°, KATD i TA povećavati a TOD skraćivati sa povećanjem RUV. Utvrđeno je da AL ne korelira sa RUV ali postoji statistički značajna korelacija AL sa TOD, koje ima veliki uticaj na L.
Ključne reči: biomehanika sporta, brzina zaleta, trajanje odskoka, napadni ugao