Vol. 10, No 3, 2012 pp. 231 - 242
UDC 796.332:536-7/-053.5
Original research article

Panteleïmon Nikolaïdis
Laboratory of Human Performance and Rehabilitation, Department of Physical and Cultural Education, Hellenic Army Academy, Greece
E-mail: pademil@hotmail.comtel

Abstract. While muscular strength is a main component of health-related fitness, its development during adolescence in soccer has not been studied sufficiently. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of age, anthropometric and body composition characteristics on isometric muscular strength. Male adolescent (N=291; aged 12.01-21 y), classified in nine one-year age-groups, child (N=16, aged 7.34-11.97 y) and adult players (N=30; aged 21.12-31.59 y), all members of competitive soccer clubs, performed four tests of strength; the right handgrip, left handgrip, trunk and trunk-legs strength test. The one-way ANOVA revealed significant differences between the child, adolescent and adult age groups with respect to the right handgrip (F10,326=48.9, P<.001, η2=.6), left handgrip (F10,326=47.63, P<.001, η2=.59), trunk (F8,249=20.71, P<.001, η2=.4), trunk-legs (F8,249=19.33, P<.001, η2=.38), and the sum of these four measures expressed either as absolute (F8,249=25.93, P<.001, η2=.45) or as relative to body mass (F8,249=6.5, P<.001, η2=.17). For all the aforementioned parameters, the adult group scored higher than the adolescent one, who performed better than the child group, whilst the age groups in the higher spectrum of adolescence scored better than those in the lower spectrum. Isometric muscular strength measures moderately correlated with age (.54Key words:  age, force, growth, handgrip test

Dok je mišićna snaga glavna komponenta fitnesa, njen razvoj tokom perioda adolescencije u fudbalu nije dovoljno istražena. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se prouče posledice starosti, antropometrijskih i telesnih karakteristika na izometrijsku mišićnu snagu. Adolescenti (N=291; starosti 12.01-21), klasifikovani su u devet starosnih grupa, grupu dece (N=16, starosti 7.34-11.97) i odraslih igrača (N=30; starosti 21.12-31.59), od kojih su svi bili aktivni članovi fudbalskih klubova i koji su kao zadatak imali četiri testa snage; stisak desne ruke, stisak leve ruke, test snage tela i test snage tela i nogu. ANOVA je ukazala na značajne razlike između grupe dece, adolescenata i odraslih u pogledu stiska desne ruke (F10,326=48.9, P<.001, η2=.6), stiska leve ruke (F10,326=47.63, P<.001, η2=.59), snage trupa (F8,249=20.71, P<.001, η2=.4), snage trupa i nogu (F8,249=19.33, P<.001, η2=.38), i zbir ovih mera je pirkazan ili kao apsolutna vrednost (F8,249=25.93, P<.001, η2=.45) ili u odnosu na telesnu masu (F8,249=6.5, P<.001, η2=.17). U pogledu svih parametara, grupa odraslih je postigla veće vrednosti od adolescenata, koji su imali bolje vrednosti od grupe dece, dok su starosne grupe u višem spektru adolescencije imale bolje vrednosti od onih u nižem spektru. Mera izometrijske mišićne snage je bila u blagoj korelaciji sa godinama starosti (.54Ključne reči: starost, snaga, rast, test stiska ruke