Vol. 10, No 3, 2012 pp. 211 - 219
UDC 796: 012.1:159.9.015
Original research article
Veroljub Stanković, Dragan Popović
Faculty for Sport and Physical Education in Leposavić, University of Priština, Serbia
E-mail: veroljub.stankovic@pr.ac.rs
Abstract. A battery of 21 motor skills tests and 3 cognitive skills tests was applied on a sample of 100 female participants, aged 18 ±6 months, with the aim of determining the existence of any statistically significant relations between the motor skills system of variables and cognitive abilities. The data were processed using the canonical correlation analysis. Between the system of motor variables and the system of cognitive variables, a single pair of canonical correlations was determined (Rc=.64). By using Bartlett’s Chi-square test (2), which was used to test the significance of the canonical correlation, it was confirmed that the canonical correlation is statistically significant at the p=.02 level. The results of the research have shown that adolescent females achieve better results for the motor variables used to evaluate movement structure, tonus regulation and synergetic regulation and the intensity of excitation if they also have increased values for the cognitive variable of efficiency of the perceptive processor (IT–1), the efficiency of the serial processor (AL–4) and the efficiency of the parallel processor (S–1). On the basis of the results obtained in this study, we can conclude that two-way connections exist between cognitive mechanisms and motor functioning. A factor obtained in such a manner is an indication that, in the case of adolescent females, the results of the motor skills tests undoubtedly depend on the interrelations between the input processor, that is, on the ability to receive and process information and solve those problems whose elements can be found in the field of perception, as well as on the ability which is formed during the process of acculturation. Nevertheless, cognitive factors are not solely responsible for success in a certain activity, as the overall influence of other anthropological dimensions is necessary as well.
Key words: adolescent females, the teaching process, motor and cognitive skills, interrelationship
Baterija koju je činio 21 test motoričkih sposobnosti 3 testa kognitivnih sposobnosti primenjena je na uzorku od 100 učesnica, starosti 18 ±6 meseci, sa ciljem određivanja postojanja statistički značajnih odnosa između sistema varijabli motoričkih sposobnosti i kognitivnih sposobnosti. Podaci su analizirani upotrebnom analize kanoničke korelacije. Između sistema motoričkih varijabli i sistema kognitivnih varijabli, jedan par kanoničke korelacije je utvrđen (Rc=.64). Upotrebom Bartlett’s Chi-square testa (2), koji smo koristili za utvrđivanje značajnosti kanoničke korelacije, potvrđeno je da je kanonička korelacija statistički značajna na p=.02 nivou. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da adolescentkinje postižu bolje rezultate motoričkih varijabli kojima se procenjuje struktura pokreta, regulacija tonusa i sinergijska regulacija i intenzitet eksitacije, ukoliko imaju povećane vrednosti kognitivne varijable efikasnosti perceptivnog procesora (IT–1), efikasnost serijalnog procesora (AL–4) i efikasnost paralelnog procesora (S–1). Na osnovu rezltata postignutih u ovom istraživanju, zaključujemo da postoji dvostruka veza između kognitivnih mehanizama i motoričkog funkcionisanja. Ovakav faktor je indikacija da, u slučaju adolescentkinja, rezultati testa motoričkih sposobnosti bez sumnje zavise od međusobnih odnosa između input procesora, odnosno, od sposobnosti da se prime i procesuiraju informacije i reše problemi čiji se elementi mogu uočiti u polju percepcije, kao i od sposobnosti koja se formira tokom procesa akulturacije. Ipak, kognitivni faktori nisu jedini odgovorni za upseh u nekoj aktivnosti, s obzirom na to da je ukupan uticaj drugih antropoloških dimenzija takođe neophodan.
Ključne reči: adolescentkinje, process instrukcije, motoričke i kognitivne sposobnosti, međuodnos