Vol. 10, No 3, 2012 pp. 183 - 191
UDC 796.015.57
Original research article

Goran Šekeljic1, Živorad Marković2, Milovan Stamatović1
1University of Kragujevac, Faculty for teaching in Užice, Serbia
2University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education in Jagodina, Serbia
E-mail: gsekeljic@sbb.rs

Abstract. Our interest in this research was directed towards finding the answer to the question if the results for the evaluation of maximal aerobic power would be significantly different if they were measured by two different ergometers, and two different procedures which are used in the testing. The sample consisted of 64 young basketball players, 15-17 years old. The evaluation of the maximal oxygen consumption rate was determined by the Astrand evaluation test on bicycle ergometer and by the Von Doblen step test with a gym bench height of 30, 40, 50.8cm. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and the Student’s T-test were used as statistical procedures. The results indicate that the values of the maximal oxygen consumption rate of the participants measured by the Astrand test on a bicycle ergometer and the step test evaluated by the Von Doblen formulae are significantly different. 77% of the participants had a higher oxygen consumption rate on the step test. The differences can be explained by the fact that the physiological reaction of the body is different in comparison to work on a bicycle ergometer. The work on a gym bench in relation to a bicycle ergometer is different based on the engaged muscles and their mass, and because of that the load of the cardio vascular system is different. It means that the organism does not have the same physiological reaction to different types of load even when it is the same in terms of the size of the work.
Key words:  aerobic ability, step test, bicycle ergometer, objectivity

Naše interesovanje u ovom radu usmereno je ka odgovoru na pitanje, da li će rezultati za procenu maksimalne aerobne moći biti značajno različiti ukoliko su dobijeni pomoću dva različita ergometra, i dva različita postupka koja se koriste u testiranju? Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena 64 mlada košarkaša starosti od 15 do 17 godina. Procena maksimalnog utroška kiseonika ustanovljena je Astrandovim testom na biciklergometru, i step-testom po fon Debelnu na visinama klupice od 30, 40 i 50.8cm. Od statističkih procedura upotrebljen je Spirmanov koeficijent korelacije ranga i Studentov T-test. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se procenjene vrednosti maksimalnog kiseoničkog utroška ispitanika dobijene Astrandovim testom na biciklergometru i vrednosti dobijene na step-testu procenjene po von Döbeln-ovoj formuli značajno razlikuju. Kod 77% ispitanika procenjena je veća maksimalna kiseonička potrošnja step-testom. Razlike se mogu objasniti činjenicom da je fiziološki odgovor organizma na rad u step-testu drugačiji u odnosu na rad pri vožnji biciklergometra. Rad na step klupici u odnosu na bicikl ergometar, razlikuje se u odnosu na angažovane mišiće i njihove mase, pa je i opterećenje kardiovaskularnog sisitema drugačije. To znači da oganizam ne daje isti fiziološki odgovor na različite vrste opterećenja čak i kada je ujednačen po veličini obavljenog rada.
Ključne reči: aerobna sposobnost, step-test, biciklergometar, objektivnost