Vol. 10, No 2, 2012 pp. 141 - 149
UDC 796.01
Original empirical article

Siniša Stojanović1,2, Danijela Zdravković1,2
1Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia
2Teacher-Training Faculty in Vranje, University of Niš, Serbia
E-mail: sinisast@ucfak.ni.ac.rs

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to investigate the assessment of the level of competence of physical education teachers when performing complex professional functions within their area of expertise. The determining of basic categories in this analysis is a result of modern pedagogical standpoints, recommendations and norms passed by government institutions in the area of education. Based on these starting points, an instrument has been constructed for the purpose of this research, which enabled the defining of the mentioned areas for over 23 items. For each area, the respondents conducted their own assessments of their competence based on a five-degree scale and the method of training in that area. The results have shown that the teachers, when observed as a whole, attribute a high value to their own competence or qualifications. Teachers have recognized the highest level of personal competence in those areas of activities that are closely related to the teaching process itself. Studying at the faculty and experience in teaching have been recognized as being most indicative in those areas that teachers see themselves as most competent in. In addition, the results have also shown that there are no significant differences in the self-assessment of teachers according to gender, the level at which they are teaching in or the years of work experience they have.
Key words:  physical education, teacher, competences, professional development, self-assessment.

Rad se bavi ispitivanjem procene stepena kompetentnosti nastavnika fizičkog vaspitanja za obavljanje složenih profesionalnih funkcija u okviru svoje delatnosti. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 92 nastavnika fizičkog vaspitanja u osnovnim i srednjim školama na teritoriji Niša, Vranja, Zaječara, Knjaževca, Leskovca i Negotina. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da nastavnici fizičkog vaspitanja, posmatrani u celini, visoko vrednuju svoju kompetentnost ili osposobljenost. Najveći stepen lične osposobljenosti nastavnici prepoznaju u delu onih aktivnosti koje su neposredno vezane za sam nastavni proces. Studiranje na fakultetu i iskustvo u nastavi su oblasti za koje nastavnici smatraju da su najkompetentniji. Pored toga, rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da nema značajne razlike u samoproceni kompetencija u odnosu na pol, vrsti škole u kojoj nastavnici rade i godine radnog iskustva nastavnika.
Ključne reči: fizičko vaspitanje, nastavnik, kompetencije, stručno usavršavanje, samoprocena