Vol. 10, No 2, 2012 pp. 89 - 98
UDC 796.322:012.1
Original empirical article
Shahram Alam1, Hamed Alizadeh Pahlavani2, Abdolrahman Mehdipour3
1Physical Education Department, Islamic Azad University of Shahre-e-Rey Branch, Iran
2Islamic Azad University of Shooshtar Branch, Iran
3Physical Education Department, Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz, Iran
E-mail: mehdipour.rah@gmail.com
Abstract. The aim of this research was to find out the effect of plyometric circuit exercises on the physical preparation indices of elite handball players in the city of Behbahan. A total of 20 elite male athletes (aged 17-19) participated in this research. The participants were chosen non-randomly from a population of high school male students and they participated in four tests (the vertical jump - shuttle briskness – the medicine ball throw – the 30 meter speed run). After making them homogeneous, the participants were randomly divided into two groups, i.e. an experimental group (plyometric circuit exercises) and a control group (only handball exercises). They participated in the exercises for 6 weeks with 3 sessions each week and each session lasted for 90 minutes. After completion of the course, both groups participated in a post-test. The participants' records were registered in 4 pre- and post-tests and compared. The results of the study revealed that 6 weeks of plyometric circuit exercise have a meaningful effect on the participants' records in four tests (the vertical jump - shuttle briskness – the medicine ball throw – the 30 meter speed run) and have caused improvements in the results of these four tests. Therefore, it seems that plyometric circuit exercises have had an effect on the physical preparation indices of handball players and can improve the athletes' performance in this field.
Key words: plyometric exercise, circuit exercise, handball.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi uticaj pliometrijskih vežbi na fizičku spremnost elitnih rukometaša iz grada Behbahan. 20 elitnih rukometaša (starosti 17-19 godina) je učestvovalo u ovom istraživanju. Ispitanici su odabrani iz grupe srednjoškolaca i učestvovali su u četiri testa (skok u vis – promena pravca – bacanje medicinke – sprint na 30 metara). Nakon što je uzorak ujednačen, učesnici su metodom slučajnog uzorka podeljeni u dve podgrupe, na eksperimentalnu grupu (pliometrijske vežbe) i kontrolnu grupu (samo rukomet). Učestvovali su u programu u trajanju od 6 nedelja, sa tri treninga nedeljno, od kojih je svaki trajao 90 minuta. Nakon završetka tretmana, obe grupe su učestvovale u post testu. Rezultati su im beleženi tokom 4 pre- i post testa a zatim poređeni. Ishod istraživanja bio je da 6 nedelja pliometrijskog vežbanja ima značajni uticaj na učinak učesnika na četiri testa (skok u vis – promena pravca – bacanje medicinke – sprint na 30 metara) i doveo je do poboljšanja u pogledu rezultata postignutih na ova četiri testa. Samim tim, može se zaključiti da su pliometrijske vežbe imale uticaj na fizičku spremnost rukometaša i da mogu doprineti poboljšanju učinka ovih sportista.
Ključne reči: pliometrijska vežbanja, rukomet