Vol. 9, No 4, 2011 pp. 427 - 438
UDC 343.224.726
Original empirical article

Saša Pantelić, Radmila Kostić, Zoran Milanović, Slavoljub Uzunović, Marko Aleksandrović
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education - University of Niš, Čarnojevića 10a, Niš, 18000, Serbia

Abstract.Participation in various forms of physical activity is under the influence of complex interactive socio-demographic, physical, psychological and social factors as well as the environmental factors which surround us. This study had as its aim to investigate the participation in physical activities of the elderly in Southeast Serbia. The sample of participants consisted of 612 individuals, 364 of whom were men, and 266 of whom were women over the age of 60 (average age 68.3±5.7). In order to calculate the statistical significance of the differences of the deviations from the hypothetical values, the Chi-square test (2) for the evaluation the quality of the match was used, and in order to determine the differences between the groups of men and women, the Chi-square test (2) of independence was used (conclusions were drawn at the level of 0.05). On the basis of the results and the discussion, it was concluded that no statistically significant difference was found at the levels of physical activity between men and women, that generally both men and women are not very physically active and that there are barriers which are the same for both men and women, and which prevent them from taking part in physical activities.
Key words:  Elderly people, physical activity, attitude

Učešće u različitim oblicima fizičke aktivnosti pod uticajem je kompleksnih interaktivnih sociodemografskih, fizičkih, psiholoških i društvenih faktora kao i faktora sredine, koja nas okružuje. Istraživanje je imalo za cilj da se istraži angažovanje u fizičkim aktivnostima starih osoba sa područja Jugoistočne Srbije. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 612 osoba, od čega je bilo 364 muškarca i 266 ženа, starih preko 60 godina (prosečne starosti 68.3±5.7 godine). Za izračunavanje statističke značajnosti razlika odstupanja od hipotetičkih vrednosti primenjen je Hi-kvadrat test (2) za procenu kvaliteta podudaranja, a za utvrđivanje razlika između grupa muškaraca i žena primenjen je Hi-kvadrat test (2) nezavisnosti (zaključivanje na nivou značajnosti 0.05). Na osnovu rezultata i diskusije zaključeno je da je ne postoji statistička značajna razlika u nivou fizičke aktivnosti između muškaraca i žena, da su generalno i muškarci i žene vrlo malo fizički aktivni i da postoje barijere koje su iste i kod muškaraca i žena, koje ih sprečavaju da se uključe u fizičke aktivnosti.
Ključne reči: Stare osobe, fizička aktivnost, stav