Vol. 9, No 4, 2011 pp. 399 - 405
UDC 797.21
Original empirical article
Bojan Jorgić1, Tomislav Okičić1, Ratko Stanković1,
Milivoj Dopsaj2, Dejan Madić1, Vassilios Thanopoulos3
1Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, University of Niš
2Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, University of Belgrade
3Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, Athens, University of Athens
Abstract.In addition to basic motor skills in swimming, it is important to monitor and develop situational motor skills. Situational motor skills can be determined during immediate competitive activities since these activities are conducted in an objective reality, i.e. the reality of a competition for an athlete. The parameters of situational motor skills can be used in two ways - for a comparison of swimmers with each other and for determining the effects of certain parameters on swimming results. The aim of this paper is to determine the parameters of situational motor skills and their influence on the outcome in the 50m freestyle in the Serbian Open. The sample of participants comprised of 14 Serbian swimmers who participated in the A and B finals in the 50m freestyle swim race at the Open Championship of Serbia (Serbia Open 2010). Among the swimmers who were examined, there were nine members of the Serbian national team. The sample of variables consisted of four predictor variables and one criterion variable. To estimate the parameters of situational motor skills (predictor variables), the following tests were used: stroke length (SL), stroke rate (SR), stroke index (SI) and stroke efficiency (SE). The criterion variable was the result of the 50m freestyle swim (R50F). The results obtained in this study indicate that in this group of elite Serbian swimmers, the greatest impact of the outcome in the 50 meter freestyle swim can be ascribed to stroke length (SL) and the stroke index (SI). When freestyle sprinters are being examined, it is necessary to define the situation model of the given parameters regarding their gender, age and the competitive level of the swimmers. It is also necessary to monitor the change of these indicators in the function of the individual training season, and many years of training. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct the relevant training process.
Key words: freestyle, analysis of competitive activities, impact, situational motor skills
Pored bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti u plivanju je važno pratiti i razvijati situacionu motoriku. Situaciona motorika se utvrđuje u toku neposredne takmičarske aktivnosti, jer se te aktivnosti odvijaju u objektivnoj tj. takmičarskoj stvarnosti za sportistu. Parametri situacine motorike mogu se koristit dvojako, za međusobno upoređivanje plivača i za utvrđivanje uticaja određenih parametara na rezultat u plivanju. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi određene parametre situacione motorike i njihov uticaj na rezultate u disciplini 50m kraul kod srpslih plivača. Uzorak ispitanika je činilo 14 srpskih plivača učesnika A i B finala u trci 50m kraul na otvorenom prvenstvu Srbije (Serbia Open 2010). Među merenim plivačima je bilo i devetoro srpskih reprezentativaca. Uzorak varijabli se sastojao od četiri prediktorske i jedne kriterijumske varijable. Za procenu parametara situacione motorike (prediktorske varijable) korišćeni su sledeći testovi: dužina zaveslaja (DZ), frekvencija zaveslaja (FZ), indeks zaveslaja (IZ) i efikasnost zavesalaja (EZ). Kriterijumska varijabla je bila rezultat plivanja na 50m kraul (R50K). Dobijeni rezultati u ovom istraživanju ukazuju da kod ove grupe vrhunskih srpskih plivača največi uticaj (predikciju) na rezultate u disciplini 50 metara kraul imaju dužina zaveslaja (DZ) i indeks zaveslaja (IZ). Sa tim u vezi potrebno je u odnosu na sprintere kraulaše, definisati model stanja datih parametra u odnosu na pol, uzrast i takmičarski nivo plivača. Takođe je potrebno pratiti promenu datih pokazatelja u funkciji kako pojedinačne trenažne sezone, tako i u funkciji višegodišnjeg trenažnog perioda. U skladu sa tim potrebno je organizovati odgovarajući trenažni proces.
Ključne reči: kraul, analiza takmičarske aktivnosti, uticaj, situaciona motorika