Vol. 9, No 4, 2011 pp. 365 - 373
UDC 613.71/.72
Original empirical article
Saša Milenković1, Saša Bubanj1, Mladen Živković1,
Dobrica Živković1, Ratko Stanković1, Radoslav Bubanj1,
Tijana Purenović1, Dejan Stojiljković1, Borislav Obradović2, Aleksandar Dimić3, Tanja Cvetković4
1Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš
2Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad
3Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš
4Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš
Abstract. Introduction: The available data on the incidence of scoliosis show a constant increase in the occurrence of the scoliotic bad posture, from the mid 20th century to the present. Aims: The main aims of this study were to evaluate and compare the incidence of scoliotic bad posture among the subjects in relation to their engagement in sport activities (athletes/non-athletes), gender (male/female) and handedness (right handed/left handed). Methods: The sample of subjects consisted of 240 males and females selected from a high school population whose body height was 173,55±8,74 cm, weight 64,88±10,89 kg, and age 16,76±0,91 years (Mean±St.Dev.). Frontal postural status was determined in the manner that the subjects assumed a normal upright position, and their spinal columns were overshot from the cervical (C7) vertebra to the sacral (S1) vertebra by using the “Spinal Mouse” wireless device. The existence of scoliotic bad posture to the right and to the left side was expressed by the variables LumR (lumbar right), LumL (lumbar left), ThR (thoracic right), ThL (thoracic left), ThRLumR (thoracic right-lumbar right), ThLLumR (thoracic left-lumbar right), ThRLumL (thoracic right-lumbar left), ThLLumL (thoracic left-lumbar left), while the non-existence was expressed by the variable WSBP (without scoliotic bad posture). The “SPSS version 13” package was used to process the data, and the obtained results were presented descriptively, using the t-test for independent samples and the z-test for the differences between two proportions. Results: Incidence of scoliotic bad posture was determined in 232 subjects (96,67%). Based on the significance of the z-test for the differences between two proportions (sig=0,0319), a statistically significant difference was determined in the incidence of scoliotic bad posture between athletes and non-athletes, but not between the males and females (sig=0, 9622), and not between right and left handed subjects (sig=0, 6474). Conclusion: This preliminary investigation showed extremly high incidence of scoliotic bad posture among high school students. Hoewer, determined problem is in its early stage, i.e., it can be reconstituted by certain exercises in relation to the natural history of curves.
Key words: scoliotic bad posture, incidence, high school students, athletes-non-atletes, gender, handedness
Uvod: Podaci koji su dostupni o učestalaost skolioze ukazuju na pojavu skoliotičnog držanja od sredine 20. veka pa da danas. Ciljevi: Glavni ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su da se izvrši evaluacija i da se poredi učestalost skoliotičnog držanja među srednjoškolcima u odnosu na njihovo učešće u sportskim aktivnostima (sportisti/nesportisti), pol (muški/ženski) i to da li su desnoruki ili levoruki. Metode: Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 240 muškaraca i žena koji su izabrani iz populacije srednjoškolaca čija je prosečna visina bila 173,55±8,74 cm, težina 64,88±10,89 kg, i starost 16,76±0,91 (Mean±St.Dev.). Frontalni posturalni status određen je tako što su ispitanici zauzeli normalan uspravni položaj, a položaj njihove kičme zabeležen od cervikalnog (C7) do sakralnog (S1) kičmenog pršljena upotrebom “Spinal Mouse” bezičnog instrumenta. Postojanje skoliotičnog držanja udesno ili ulevo bio je izražen varijablama LumR (lumbarno desno), LumL (lumbarno levo), ThR (desni deo grudnog koša), ThL (levi deo grudnog koša), ThRLumR (desni deo grudnog koša-lumbarno desno), ThLLumR (levi deo grudnog koša-lumbarno desno), ThRLumL (desni deo grudnog koša-lumbarno levo), ThLLumL (levi deo grudnog koša-lumbarno levo), dok je izostanak tog stanja izražen varijablom WSBP (bez lošeg skoliotičnog držanja). “SPSS version 13” je program korišćen da se obrade podaci, a prikupljeni podaci su prikazani deskriptivno, upotrebom t-testa za nezavisne uzorke i z-testa za razlike među proporcijama. Rezultati: Učestalost skoliotičnog držanja utvrđena je kod 232 ispitanika (96,67%). Na osnovu značajnosti z-testa za razlike među proporcijama (sig=0,0319), statistički značajna razlika uočena je u učestalosti skoliotičnog lošeg držanja među sportistima i nesportistima, ali ne između pripadnika muškog i ženskog pola (sig=0, 9622), ali ne između desnorukih i levorukih ispitanika (sig=0, 6474). Zaključak: Ovo preliminarno istraživanje pokazalo je jako visoku stopu učestalosti skoliotičnog lošeg držanja među srednjoškolcima. Ipak, uočeni problem je u ranoj fazi razvoja, tako da se na njega može uticati uz pomoć raznih vežbanja.
Ključne reči: skoliotično držanje, učestalost, srednjoškolci, sportisti i nesportisti, pol, dominantna ruka