Vol. 9, No 4, 2011 pp. 359 - 364
UDC 796.012:612.766
Original empirical article
A. Aleksić-Veljković, M. Puletić, A. Raković,
R. Stanković, S. Bubanj, D. Stanković
Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia
Abstract. In recent years there have been a number of researchers studying the techniques of shot put parameters and factors that are crucial for achieving top results, as well as those necessary for optimal performance. The aim of this study was to determine differences in the parameters of release of top Serbian athletes. The throwing technique was taken at the Serbian Cup 2011 for the competitors who achieved the best results. The values of the variables were determined by using software for 2D kinematic analysis, "Human", version 6.0 HMA Technology Inc. 2005, United States of America (Human). The first place contestant scored a higher release speed of 13m/sˉ¹ (13.79m/sˉ¹), while the speed of the second and the third was much lower (11.9m/sˉ¹ and 11.68m/sˉ¹). The maximum height of release was determined for the second-placed competitor (2.22m), then for the first-placed (2.07m) and the third-placed competitor (2.05m). The angle of release for the top-placed competitor was 40.4˚, 42.8˚ for second placed and 41˚ for the third placed. In the case of the top-ranked competitor and the third there is the possibility of increasing the horizontal length of the shot put, which would lead to greater distance. The significance of this research is to obtain useful information for coaches and athletes, which will contribute to the further improvement of techniques. It is necessary to conduct further and more detailed studies of phases preceding the release, on which the proper performance of the release phase and achievement of the best possible results depends.
Key words: release velocity, release angle, release height
U poslednjih nekoliko godina javio se veći broj naučnika koji se bave parametrima tehnike bacanja kugle i faktora koji su od ključnog značaja za postizanje najboljih rezultata, kao i onih koji su neophodni za optimalnu performansu. Cilj ovog istrazivanja bio je da se utvrde razlike među parametrima za bacanje vrhunskih srpskih sportista. Tehnika bacanja uzeta je sa Serbian Cup 2011 za one takmičare koji su imali najbolje rezultate. Vrednosti varijabli utvrđene su upotrebom programa za 2D kinematsku analizu, "Human", verzija 6.0 HMA Technology Inc. 2005, SAD (Human). Pobednici su imali veće vrednosti brzine pri bacanje 13m/sˉ¹ (13.79m/sˉ¹), dok je brzina drugo i treće plasiranog bila znatno niža (11.9m/sˉ¹ i 11.68m/sˉ¹). Najveću visinu bacanja postigao je drugoplasirani takmičar (2.22m), zatim prvoplasirani (2.07m) i trećeplasirani takmičar (2.05m). Ugao bacanja prvoplasiranog bio je 40.4˚, 42.8˚ drugoplasiranog i 41˚ za trećeplasiranog. Kod najbolje plasiranog takmičara i trećeplasiranog postoji mogućnost povećanja horizontalne dužine bacanja, što bi i dovelo do veće distance. Značaj ovog istraživanja je da prikupi informacije korisne za trenere i sportiste, koje bi omogućile dalje napredovanje tehnike. Neophodno je da se vrše dalje detaljnija istraživanja faza koje prethode bacanju, od čega zavise mogući rezultati.
Ključne reči: brzina puštanja, ugao bacanja, visina bacanja