Vol. 9, No 3, 2011 pp. 329 - 347
UDC 797.123
Original empirical article
Željko M. Rajković, Duško B. Ilić, Vladimir D. Mrdaković,
Darko M. Mitrović, N.N. Janković
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Blagoja Parovica 156, University of Belgrade
Abstract. This study investigated the effects of learning a rowing technique in a twelve-oared school boat galley on variables of the stroke. The study included 44 students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of Belgrade University, with no previous rowing experience (aged 25.34±1.95; weight 81±8kg; height 184±7cm). The subjects learned an elementary rowing technique in a twelve-oared school boat galley. The practice sessions were conducted according to the basic rowing technique program, three times a week over a ten-week period. The CONCEPT II rowing ergometer was used for collecting data on the initial and final tests. Stroke variables in real time were measured by WEBA Sport’s FITRO ROWER. The subjects received no instructions as to the use of specific force distribution and stroke length. Thirteen biomechanical variables of the stroke were measured, including temporal variables, variables of force and power, velocity variables and a spatial variable. The test consisted of three consecutive 30s measurements at an assigned rowing frequency of 24, 28 and 32str/min, respectively. As expected, significant changes were noted in all of the measured variables. The results of the final measurement showed that subjects properly learned the stroke length. The greatest progress in the absolute values and the greatest decrease in the variation coefficient were noted in the power and force variables. Significant changes in all of the measured variables and the decrease of the variation coefficient were noted with the increase in rowing frequency. The frequency of rowing was proven to be an important factor in acquiring rowing technique. Therefore, learning should start at low frequency, and soon increase to the frequency of 32str/min. The results confirmed that the faults in rowing technique can be evaluated on the basis of the variability of the tested stroke variables.
Key words: WEBA, CONCEPT II, frequency, force, stroke length
Ovom studijom istražen je uticaj učenja veslačke tehnike u školskom čamcu „Galija“ sa dvanaest mesta na varijable zaveslaja. Eksperiment je realizovan na uzorku od 44 studenta Fakulteta Sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, bez prethodnog veslačkog iskustva, starosti 25,34±1,95godina, TM 81±8kg i TV 184±7cm. Ispitanici su učili osnovnu veslačku tehniku u školskom čamcu sa 12 mesta „Galiji“. Časovi učenja su organizovani tri puta nedeljno u toku deset nedelja. Za prikupljanje osnovnih podataka na inicijalnom i finalnom merenju, korišćen je CONCEPT II veslački ergometar. Za merenje varijabli zaveslaja u realnom vremenu korišćen je instrument FITRO ROWER firme WEBA Sport. Ispitanicima nije sugerisano kakvu distribuciju sile i dužinu zaveslaja da upotrebe. Praćeno je trinaest biomehaničkih varijabli zaveslaja uključujući vremenske varijable, varijable sile i snage, brzinske varijable i prostornu varijablu. Test se sastojao iz tri merenja sa zadatim tempom od 24, 28 i 32 zav/min u trajanju od 30 sekundi. Do značajne promene došlo je kod svih prediktorskih varijabli. Rezultati u finalnom merenju su pokazali da je pređeni put rukohvata varijabla koja je prva naučena. Najveći napredak u apsolutnim vrednostima ali i najveće smanjenje koeficijenata varijacije zabeleženi su kod varijabli sile i snage. Dokazano je da je tempo veslanja značajan faktor pri obučavanju veslačke tehnike. Obuku treba početi sa manjim tempom, a ubrzo preći na tempo od 32 zav/min. Rezultati pokazuju i da se o greškama u veslačkoj tehnici može govoriti i na nivou varijabilnosti testiranih varijabli zaveslaja.
Ključne reči: WEBA, CONCEPT II, tempo, sila, dužina zaveslaja