Vol. 9, No 3, 2011 pp. 283 - 293
UDC 796.323.2:-055.2
Original empirical article

Frane Erčulj1, Mitja Bračič2, Saša Jakovljević3
1University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Gortanova 22, p.p.2, 1110 Ljubljana, Slovenia
2Zavod za varstvo pri delu d.d., Center za Medicino in Šport, Chengdujska cesta 25, 1260 Ljubljana-Polje, Slovenija
3University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Blagoja Parovica 156, 11030 Belgrade, Serbia

Abstract. In basketball, as in other team ball sports, speed is a complex ability which significantly affects playing performance. The aim of this study was to establish and analyze the development level of speed and agility of different types of female basketball players from the senior women’s national teams of Slovenia and Serbia. The guards, the forwards and the centers were compared, and any differences between them established. The study results showed a difference between individual player types in terms of body height and body weight, and some differences were also established in the tests of acceleration with the ball and without it. After eliminating the influence of body height and body weight, the differences in the speed of acceleration decrease and become statistically insignificant. The strongest influence was still observed in the S20 (the 20-metre sprint) and V20 (20-metre dribbling) tests, i.e. with the two variables in which ANOVA shows statistically significant differences between individual player types. In view of the study results, it can be concluded that body height and body weight significantly influence the speed of acceleration, i.e. cyclic speed, even among highly qualified female basketball players at a high international level, whereas the influence of the abovementioned morphological characteristics on the speed of performance of acyclic and agility movement is weaker.
Key words:  basketball, senior women, motor tests, speed

U košarci kao i u ostalim timskim sportovima sa loptom, brzina je složena sposobnost koja značajno utiče na učinak u igri. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da odredi i analizira ravzoj nivoa brzine i agilnosti vrhunskih košarkašica, koje igraju na različitim pozicijama, seniorskih reprezentacija Slovenije i Srbije. Poredili su se bekovi, krila i centri i određivane su razlike menđu njima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoji razlika između pojedinačnih vrsta igrača u pogledu telesne visine i težine a nađene su i neke razlike na testovima ubrzanja sa i bez lopte. Kada je elimnisan uticaj telesne visine i telesne težine razlike u brzini ubrzanja su se smanjile i postale statistički beznačajne. Najveći uticaj je i dalje primećen na testovima S20 (sprint na 20m) i V20 (dribbling na 20 m), tj. kod dve varijable u kojima ANOVA pokazuje statistički značajne razlike među pojedinačnim tipovima igračica. U svetlu rezultata studije, može se zaključiti da telesna visina i telesna masa značajno utiču na brzinu ubrzanja tj.na cikličnu brzinu, čak i kod visoko kvalifikovnaih košarkašica na međunarodnom nivou, dok je uticaj gore navedenih morfoloških karakteristika na brzinu izvođenja acikličnih pokreta i okretnosti slabiji.
Ključne reči: košarka, seniorke, motorički testovi, brzina