Vol. 9, No 3, 2011 pp. 275 - 281
UDC 613.71/.72
Original empirical article

Saša Milenković1, Mladen Živković1, Saša Bubanj1, Dobrica Živković1, Ratko Stanković1, Radoslav Bubanj1, Tijana Purenović1,
Dejan Stojiljković1, Borislav Obradović2, Aleksandar Dimić3, Tanja Cvetković4, Maja Bubanj5

1Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš
2Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad
3Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš
4Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš
5Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade; Pharmacy Niš

Abstract. Introduction: Flat foot in children and adolescents, as a consequence of various factors such as hypo kinesis, overweight or hereditary factors, represents a current problem. Aims: The main aim of actual research was to determine the incidence of flat foot in secondary school students. Methods: The sample of subjects consisted of 228 high school students, males and females whose body height was 173,65±9,10 in cm, weight 63,99±11,18 in kg, age 16,64±0,88 years (Mean±St.Dev.). The data for the current research were gathered as part of the scientific project no 179024, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (RS). By using a modern computerized podoscope "Pedic" (Hungary) with associated software, the following variables of the foot were determined: 1) PesNoL; 2) PesNoR (normal left foot and right foot, respectively) expressed numerically by 0; 3 ) PesPlL; 4) PesPlR (degree of the deformity of the left foot and right foot, respectively) expressed numerically by 1, 2, 3 or 4. In order to process the data, the package “SPSS version 13” was used, and the given results were presented descriptively, and by the z-test for the differences between two proportions. Results: By careful foot print examination of totally 228 subjects, the presence of flat foot (feet) was determined in 111 subjects (48,7%), vs. 117 subjects (51,3%) with normal feet i.e., no deformity. By the usage of z-test for the differences between two proportions, it was checked whether the percentage of subjects with normal feet was significantly higher than the percentage of subjects with any degree of deformity. Significance of the z-test (sig=0,523), showed there was no significant difference in percentage of subjects with normal and flat feet. Conclusion: The results of the actual research regarding the incidence in flat feet could be described as very unsatisfactory. Causes of high incidence could be various: obesity, genu valgum, femoral and tibial torsional abnormalities, ligament laxity, footwear influence, and as like. Determined problem, physiological flat feet can be reconstituted by certain exercises (e.g. by extension of the great toe or by standing on the tiptoes).
Key words:  Flat foot, high school students, incidenceFlat foot, high school students, incidence

Ravno stopalo kod dece i adolescenata, kao posledica različitih faktora, kao što su hipokinezija, prekomerne telesne težine ili naslednih faktora, predstavlja aktuelni problem. CILJ: Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi učestalost ravnog stopala u kod učenika srednjoškolskog uzrasta. METODE: Uzorak ispitanika sačinjavalo je 228 učenika srednje škole, muškog i ženskog pola, telesne visine 173,65±9,10 u cm, telesne težine 63,99±11,18 u kg, starosti 16,64±0,88 godina (Mean±St.Dev.). Podaci aktuelnog istraživanja deo su naučnog projekta broj 179024, podržanog od strane Ministarstva za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije. Upotrebom savremenog kompjuterizivanog podoskopa “Pedic” (Mađarska) sa pripadajućim softverom, analizirane su sledeće varijable stopala: 1) PesNoL; 2) PesNoR (normalno levo i desno stopalo, respektivno) izraženo numerički nulom (0); 3) PesPlL; 4) PesPlR (stepen deformiteta levog i desnog stopala, respektivno), izraženo numerički sa 1, 2, 3 or 4. U cilju obrade podataka korišćen je paket “SPSS verzija 13”, a dobijeni rezultati predstavljeni su deskriptivno i z-testom za utvrđivanje razlika između dve proporcije. REZULTATI: Analizom otisaka stopala 228 ispitanika, postojanje ravnog (-ih) stopala utvrđeno je kod 111 ispitanika (48.7%) naspram 117 ispitanika (51.3%) sa normalnim stopalima, tj., bez deformiteta. i ključne reči na srpskom (ravno stopalo, srednjoškolska populacija, učestalost). Primenom z-testa za utvrđivanje razlika između dve proporcije, provereno je da li je procenat ispitanika bez utvrđenog deformiteta stopala bio statistički značajno veći od procenta ispitanika sa utvrđenim bilo kojim stepenom deformiteta stopala. Značajnost z-testa (sig=0.523), ukazala je da ne postoje statistički značajne razlike u procentima subjekata sa normalnim i ravnim stopalima. ZAKLJUČAK: Rezultati aktuelnog istraživanja u odnosu na učestalost ravnih stopala, mogu se opisati kao veoma nezadovoljavajući. Uzroci visoke utvrđene učestalosti mogu biti različiti: gojaznost, “x” noge, deformitet butne i tibijalne kosti izloženih uvrtanju, “labavost” ligamenata, uticaj obuće, itd. Utvrđeni problem, fiziološki ravna stopala, može se korigovati određenim vežbama (npr. opružanjem palca ili stajanjem na vrhovima prstiju.
Ključne reči: ravno stopalo, učenici srednjoškolskog uzrasta, učestalost