Vol. 9, No 3, 2011 pp. 265 - 274
UDC 572.087:-053.2
Original empirical article
Borislav Obradović1, Damjan Jakšić1, Radenko Matić1,
Zoran Milošević1, Saša Bubanj2, Radoslav Bubanj2
1Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad
2Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš
Abstract. Even though the precise mechanisms of the influence of physical activity on the formation of tissue have not been described in great detail, it is known that physical activity plays an important role in this process. It has already been determined that many children develop and improve their motor skills during their daily activities, since it is at these times that they perform basic movements such as running, jumping, climbing and turning. Aims: The aim of this research was to determine if there is any relation between anthropometric characteristics, motor skills or bone density of the participants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All of the participants were children (a total of 184 i.e., 115 boys and 69 girls) attending preschool on the territory of the city of Novi Sad, and they were all aged 3.5 to 7. The measurements for the evaluation of anthropometric characteristics included the following: body height, body weight, and upper arm skinfolds. The evaluation of the motor skills was carried out using the following motor tests: 1) the 20 meter run; 2) the polygon backwards; 3) hand tapping; 4) hyperextensions in a seated position, legs apart; 5) the standing depth jump; 6) hanging pull-ups and 7) torso lifts during 60 s. Bone density was determined with the help of a sonometer Sahara Hologic, Inc., MA, USA. The following measurements of the bone density were made: 1) the decrease in the strength of the sound signal– the left leg (Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation, BUALL in dB/MHz); 2) the decrease in the strength of the sound signal– the right leg (BUARL in dB/MHz). The analyses of the differences in terms of the gender of the participants and in regard to the applied variables of anthropometric characteristics, motor skills and bone density included a multivariate and univariate analysis of variance, while the relations between the variables were evaluated by means of Pearson’s correlation and the regression analysis. RESULTS: Based on the results of the multiple correlation coefficient (R) and the remaining parameters (the F-test and statistical significance P), it can be concluded that there is a correlation between the predictor system of variables, anthropometrics and motor skills and the criterion, the variables for the evaluation of bone density, both in boys and girls. By analyzing the regression coefficients, we noted the individual influences of the variables of the predictor system on the criterion variables. CONCLUSION: The results of this research indicate that there is a clearly pronounced sexual dimorphism in all of the studied spaces – anthropometrics, motor skills and bone density, as well as that a positive influence of certain motor skills, or anthropometric variables on the bone mineral content of the participants can be noted.
Key words: anthropometric characteristics, motor abilities, bone density, children, correlation
Iako još uvek nisu u potpunosti poznati mehanizmi uticaja fizičke aktivnosti na stvaranje tkiva, fizička aktivnost u tome ima važnu ulogu. Kao što je već rečeno, mnoga deca razvijaju i unapređuju motoričke sposobnosti tokom dnevnih aktivnosti, jer tada izvode osnovna kretanja kao što su trčanja, skakanja, penjanja i okretanja. CILJ: Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi da li postoje relacije između antropometrijskih karakteristika, motoričkih sposobnosti i gustine kosti kod dece predškolskog uzrasta. METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 184 ispitanika (115 dečaka i 69 devojčica), deca iz predškolskih ustanova sa teritorije Novog Sada, uzrasta od 3,5 do 7 godina. Mere za procenu antropometrijskih karakteristika bile su: telesna visina, telesna težina i kožni nabor nadlakta. Procena motoričkih sposobnosti izvršena je primenom sledećih motoričkih testova: 1) trčanje 20 metara; 2) poligon natraške; 3) taping rukom; 4) pretklon u sedu raznožno; 5) skok udalj iz mesta; 6) izdržaj u zgibu i 7) podizanje trupa za 60 s. Gustina kosti procenjivana je pomoću sonometra koji koristi neojonizujući ultrazvuk Sahara Hologic, Inc., MA, USA, a korišćene su sledeće mere: 1) slabljenje zvučnog signala – leva noga (Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation, BUALN u dB/MHz); 2) slabljenje zvučnog signala – desna noga (BUADN u dB/MHz). Analiza razlika po polu ispitanika u primenjenim varijablama antropometrijskih karakteristika, motoričkih sposobnosti i gustine kosti obuhvatila je multivarijatnu i univarijatnu analizu varijanse, dok su relacije između varijabli ispitivane pomoću Pirson-ove analize korelacija i regresione analize. REZULTATI: Bazirajući se na rezultate koeficijenata multiple korelacije (R) i drugih parametara (F-testa i statističke značajnosti P) može se zaključiti da postoji povezanost između prediktorskog sistema varijabli, antropometrije i motorike i kriterija, varijabli za procenu denziteta kosti i kod dečaka i kod devojčica. Posmatrajući regresione koeficijente uočeni su pojedinačni uticaji varijabli prediktorskog sistema na kriterijske varijable. ZAKLjUČAK: Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da postoji jasno izražen polni dimorfizam po svim ispitivanim prostorima – antropometrija, motorika i gustina kosti, kao i pozitivan uticaj nekih motoričkih sposobnosti, odnosno antropometrijskih varijabli na procenu koštanog mineralnog sadržaja.
Ključne reči: antropometrijske karakteristike, motoričke sposobnosti, gustina koštanog tkiva, deca, povezanost