Vol. 9, No 3, 2011 pp. 239 - 254
UDC 796.012:612.766
Original empirical article
Jelena Ivanović1, Milivoj Dopsaj2, Nemanja Ćopić2, Goran Nešić2
1Republic Institute for Sport, Belgrade, Serbia
2Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade University, Serbia
Abstract. The aim of this research was to establish the relation between maximal isometric force and different indicators of isometric explosive force of leg extensors (iRFD). The sample consisted of 83 participants divided into 2 groups in terms of gender, males N=53 and females N=30. In order to assess the characteristics of the F-t isometric leg extensor force, tensiometric probes and the standardized "seated leg extension" test were used. The measurement range was defined by 6 variables for the contractile characteristics of the leg extensor isometric muscle force – 1) the level of achieved maximal force – FmaxLEGEXTISO, 2) the indicator of the basic (general) level of rate of force development – RFDBASICLEGEXTISO, 3) the indicator of the specific level of rate of force development – RFD50%LEGEXTISO, and three indicators for evaluating the special level of the explosive force development, i.e. leg extensor explosiveness, 4) measured at 250ms – RFD250msLEGEXTISO, 5) measured at 180ms – RFD180msLEGEXTISO, 6) measured at 100ms – RFD100msLEGEXTISO. The results of the linear regression in the males showed a positive correlation between FmaxLEGEXTISO and RFD50%LEGEXTISO F=16.298, p=0.000; and RFD250msLEGEXTISO F=40.754, p=0.000; and RFD180msLEGEXTISO F=18.660, p=0.000; and RFD100msLEGEXTISO F=5.430, p=0.024; in the females with RFDBASICLEGEXTISO F=10.099, p=0.004; with RFD50%LEGEXTISO F=13.585, p=0.001; with RFD250msLEGEXTISO F=35.469, p=0.000; with RFD180msLEGEXTISO F=14.698, p=0.001. The results of this study showed that the combination of the maximal exertion method, with the aim of developing maximal force or strength, and plyometrics, with the aim of developing the intensity of contraction in its different phases, from the aspect of training technology, is absolutely advisable and reasonable. This may have important practical implications when designing resistance training programs for specific sportsdeling.
Key words: isometric muscle force, rate of force development, relation, leg extensors
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi relacije maksimalne izometrijske sile i različitih pokazatelja izometrijske eksplozivne sile (iRFD) ekstenzora nogu. Uzorak je činilo 83 ispitanika podeljenih u 2 grupe u odnosu na pol, muškarci N=53 i žene N=30. Za procenu F-t karakteristika izometrijske sile ekstenzora nogu korišćena je standardizovana oprema, tenziometrijska sonda i standardizovan test u sedećoj poziciji. Merni opseg je definisan na osnovu 6 varijabli u odnosu na kontraktilne karakteristike izometrijske sile ekstenzora nogu – 1) nivo ostvarene maksimalne sile – FmaxLEGEXTISO, 2) opšti ili bazični pokazatelj razvijenosti eksplozivne sile - RFDBASICLEGEXTISO, 3) specifični pokazatelj razvijenosti eksplozivne sile – RFD50%LEGEXTISO, i tri indikatora za procenu specijalnog nivoa razvijenosti eksplozivne sile tj. eksplozivnosti opružača nogu 4) izmeren na 250ms - RFD250msLEGEXTISO, 5) izmeren na 180ms - RFD180msLEGEXTISO, 6) izmeren na 100ms - RFD100msLEGEXTISO. Rezultati linearne regresije su pokazali pozitivnu korelaciju između FmaxLEGEXTISO i skoro svih praćenih varijabli sem kod RFDBASICLEGEXTISO kod muškaraca i RFD100msLEGEXTISO kod žena. Rezultati ove studije su pokazali da je sa aspekta tehnologije sportskog treninga, kombinacija metoda maksimalnog naprezanja, u svrhu razvoja maksimalne sile ili snage, sa pliometrijom, u svrhu razvoja intenziteta kontrakcije u ranim fazama iste, apsolutno poželjna i opravdana, što može imati važne praktične implikacije pri programiranju treninga snage za specifične sportske grane.
Ključne reči: izometrijska mišićna sila, eksplozivnost, relacije, opružači nogu