Vol. 9, No 3, 2011 pp. 229 - 238
UDC 793.34:06.63
Original empirical article
Slavoljub Uzunović, Radmila Kostić, Saša Pantelić
University of Nis, Faculty of sport and physical education, Serbia
Abstract. The aim: to determine the role of the performance speed of simple and complex movement structures in success in disco dance.
The sample of subjects consisted of 60 female participants aged 13 to 14 (body height 156,38±7,86cm and body mass 46,62±8,36) . Following the initial selection, for one whole year the participants trained modern sports dance which was based on disco dance. The performance speed of simple and complex movement structures was evaluated with the help of ten measuring instruments. Competitive success was measured with the help of two criteria: Technique and Composition-Image. Data were processed using regression analysis. Between the group of predictor variables and the Technique criterion variable, a statistically significant multiple correlation (Q=.000) was found. The multiple correlation between the predictor and the Composition-Image criterion variable was not statistically significant (Q=.154). Research showed that there is a possibility to predict technical values of Disco Dance on the basis on performance speed of simple and complex movement structures.
Key words: Disco Dance, speed, competition, influence
Cilj istraživanja je bio da determiniše ulogu brzine izvođenja jednostavnih i složenih struktura kretanja na uspešnost u disco dancu. Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 60 osoba ženskog pola starosti 13-14 godina (visina tela 156,38 7,86 i težina tela 46,62 8,36). Nakon inicijalne selekcije, tokom cele godine učesnici su trenirali moderan sportski ples koji se bazirao na disco dancu. Izvođenje brzine jednostavnih i složenih stuktura kretanja procenjivana je uz pomoć 10 mernih instrumenata. Takmičarski uspeh procenjivan je pomoću dva kriterijuma. Rezultati su obrađeni korišćenjem regresione analize. Statistički značajna multipla korelacija je dobijena između grupa prediktorskih varijabli i tehnike kao kriterijumske varijable. Multipla korelacija između druge kriterijumske varijable, kompozicije i prediktora nije bila statistički značajna. Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji mogućnost predikcije tehničkih vrednosti disco danca na osnovu brzine izvođenja jednostavnih i složenih kretnih struktura.
Ključne reči: Disco dance, brzina, takmičenje, uticaj