Vol. 9, No 2, 2011 pp. 213 - 218
UDC 796.4:-053.5
Original empirical article

Živorad Marković1, Aleksandar Ignjatović1, Dragan Radovanović2, Dragoljub Višnjić3
1Faculty of Pedagogy Jagodina, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
2Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia
3Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Abstract.The aim of our study was to compare the running performance of schoolchildren on three different surfaces (parquet floor, asphalt and grass) which are mostly used for physical education classes. The study sample consisted of 97 healthy schoolchildren (age 11±0.5 years) divided into two groups in relation to sex: 42 boys (group 1) and 45 girls (group 2). The speed was evaluated by two tests: the 30m sprint with a high start and a 3x10m agility run. The results indicate statistically significant differences in terms of running performance in relation to the surface for both groups. The best average results on both tests were achieved on the asphalt surface, while the weakest average results were determined for the 3x10m agility test in both groups on the parquet floor. The obtained results regarding the influence of different surfaces should be used to prevent injury and provide security for schoolchildren, and as a factor when testing motor skills in this age group.
Key words: surfaces, running, schoolchildren, prevention

Cilj rada je bio poređenje brzine trčanja učenika na tri različite podloge (parket, asfalt i trava) koji se najčešće koriste za nastavu fizičkog vaspitanja. Uzorak ispitanika od 97 zdravih učenika (uzrast 11 ± 0.5 godina) je prema polu podeljen na dve grupe: 42 dečaka (grupa 1) i 45 devojčica (grupa 2). Brzina trčanja određivana je korišćenjem 30 m sprint testa sa visokim startom i testom agilnosti 3h10 m. Analiza rezultata pokazala je statistički značajne razlike kod obe grupe ispitanika u odnosu na podlogu po kojoj je trčano. Najbolji prosečni rezultati u testovima su postignuti na asfaltu, dok su najslabiji prosečni rezultati su bili na testu agilnosti 3h10 m na parketu kod obe grupe ispitanika. Dobijene rezultate o uticaju različitih podloga na brzinu trčanja treba da se koristi za sprečavanje i potpunu sigurnost školske dece, i kao faktor prilikom testiranja motoričkih sposobnosti u ovoj uzrasnoj grupi.
Ključne reči: podloga, trčanje, školska deca, prevencija