Vol. 9, No 2, 2011 pp. 183 - 191
UDC 797.21:539.55
Review article
Bojan Jorgić1, Miloš Puletić1, Tomislav Okičić1, Nataša Meškovska2
1Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia
2Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia
Abstract.The purpose of training programs in swimming is to produce metabolic, physiological and psychological changes that allow swimmers to perform better in competitions. In swimming, as well as in other sports, aerobic endurance is one of the most important components of the physical fitness of swimmers, while VO2max represents the most objective measure for its assessment. VO2max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during a one-minute exercise. Measurement of VO2max in swimming can be done in three ways, always using a method which is most similar to the swimming conditions during training and competitions. VO2max can be expressed in absolute and relative values, and in the case of elite swimmers ranges from 66 to 80 ml O2/kg/min. According to VO2max values, the work intensity in swimming can be optimized through exercise heart rate and subjective feelings of fatigue. Apart from VO2max, it is very important to measure the percentage of maximal oxygen uptake (%VO2max), which is the highest level of performance that an athlete can maintain over a longer period of time without becoming fatigued. In order to develop and increase VO2max, as well as other factors that influence the development of aerobic or cardio-respiratory endurance, it is advisable to take advantage of endurance training. This type of training can be divided into three levels: basic endurance training, anaerobic threshold endurance training and training above the anaerobic threshold. All three types of training influence the development of resistance, but it is considered that training at the anaerobic threshold is the most significant. Adaptations to training that increase maximum oxygen consumption can be divided into two groups; the first group increases the amount of oxygen that is supplied to the muscles, while the other increases oxygen utilization by the muscles. The latest studies presented in this paper indicate that the prediction of the results and success in swimming, according to the values of maximal oxygen uptake and the impact of training, will always be current in swimming. A single component of success in swimming is rarely the subject of research, in most cases it is usually an entire group of them. Therefore, the aim is to find and develop those factors (characteristics and capabilities) which contribute to the sport results of swimmers.
Key words: swimming, VO2max, methods of measurement, adaptations to training
Cilj trenažnih programa u plivanju je da ostvare metaboličke, fiziološke i psihološke promene koje će omogućiti plivačima postizanje što boljih takmičarskih rezultata. Kao u ostalim sportovima tako i u plivanju aerobna izdržljivost predstavlja jednu od najvažnijih komponenti fizičke pripremljenosti plivača, a VO2max prestavlja najobjektivniju meru za njenu procenu. VO2max je najveća količina kiseonika koju čovek može primiti i potrošiti u toku jednog minuta vežbanja. Merenje VO2max u plivanju može se vršiti na tri načina s tim što uvek treba koristiti način koji je najpribližniji uslovima plivanja na treninzima i takmičenjima. VO2max se može izražavati u apsolutnim i relativnim vrednostima, kod vrhunskih plivača iznosi od 66 do 80 ml O2/kg/min. Na osnovu vrednosti VO2max može se posredno preko srčane frekvencije i subjektivnog osećaja napora dozirati opterećenje u plivanju. Pored VO2max veoma važna je i mera procenta iskorišćenosti maksimalne potrošnje kiseonika (%VO2max), koja predstavlja najveći nivo rada koji sportista može održati duže vreme, a da ne dođe do zamora. Za razvoj i povećanje VO2max kao i ostalih faktora koji utiču na razvijanje aerobne ili kardiorespiratorne izdržljivosti koristi se trening izdržljivosti. On se može podeliti na tri nivoa: bazični trening izdržljivosti, trening na nivou anaerobnog praga i trening iznad nivoa anaerobnog praga. Sva tri tipa treninga utiču na razvoj izdržljivosti ali se smatra da najveći doprinos ima treniranje na nivou anaerobnog praga. Trenažne adaptacije koje povećavaju maksimalnu potrošnju kiseonika mogu se podeliti u dve grupe, prve povećavaju količinu kiseonika koja se doprema do mišića a druge povećavaju iskorišćenost kiseonika od strane mišića. Predikcija rezultata i uspeha u plivanju na osnovu vrednosti maksimalne potrošnje kiseonika i uticaj treninga na njeno povećanje biće uvek aktuelni u plivanju na šta ukazuju navedena najnovija istraživanja. Pri tome se nikada ne istražuje samo jedna komponenta uspeha u plivanju već veći broj njih. Zbog toga je cilj da se pronađu i razvijaju oni faktori (karakteristike i sposobnosti) koji najznačajnije doprinose sportskom rezultatu plivača.
Ključne reči: plivanje, VO2max, metode merenja, trenažne adaptacije