Vol. 9, No 2, 2011 pp. 113 - 120
UDC 796.8+015.132
Original empirical article

Jelica Stojanović Tošić1, Radmila Kostić1, Dušica Đorđević2
1Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia
2Faculty of Medicine, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia

Abstract. The aim of our work was to assess the effects of Kick aerobics on the fitness abilities of female high school students. Sixty female students participated in the study. They were engaged in physical education classes twice a week, for four months. 30 students (age 16 ± 0.5 years) participated in the experimental program of Kick aerobics and 30 age matched students were the control group that participated in the official high school physical education program. Fitness abilities were assessed by means of a battery of tests. During the initial measuring, the morphological and fitness status of the participants from the experimental and the control group were similar. In the final examination there was statistically significant difference in the fitness abilities between the two examined groups, in favor of the experimental group. The fitness status of the subjects from both groups changed after four months of training, but the changes were dependent on the type of training program. Both groups experienced an improvement in strength of the lower back and flexibility of hamstrings, but the participants from the experimental group improved the strength of the lower body (thigh strength), while the participants from the control group improved the strength of the upper body (strength of the shoulder belt and arms). In addition, the participants that practiced Kick aerobics improved their shoulder flexibility and cardiorespiratory fitness. The Kick aerobics program can be used as an effective tool in physical education, to help the motor skills transformation of high school students.
Key words:  kick aerobics, female adolescents, fitness abilities

Cilj studije bio je da se utvrde efekti Kik aerobik programa na fitnes sposobnosti učenica srednje škole. U studiji je učestvovalo 60 učenica. One su pohađale nastavu fizičkog vaspitanja dva puta nedeljno tokom četiri meseca. 30 učenica (starosti 16 ± 0.5 godina) činilo je u eksperimentalnu grupu koja je vežbala Kik aerobik, a 30 učenica istog uzrasta je činilo kontrolnu grupu koja je važbala po planu i programu predviđenom za srednju školu. Fitnes status ispitanica je procenjivan baterijom testova. Na inicijalnom merenju grupe se nisu razlikovale ni po morfološkim ni po funkcionalnom statusu, što nije bio slučaj na finalnom merenju: na finalnom merenju postojala je značajna razlika u fitnes statusu između grupa, u korist ekperimentalne grupe. Fitnes status obe grupe značajno se poboljšao nakon četvoromesečnog programa vežbanja, ali promene su zavisile od tipa trenažnog protokola. U obe grupe zapaženo je poboljšanje snage leđnih ekstenzora i pokretljivosti zadnje lože buta, ali je kod ispitanica iz eksperimentalne grupe došlo do značajnog povećanja snage mišića nadkolenice, dok je kod ispitanica iz kontolne grupe došlo do značajnog poboljšanja snage mišića ruku i ramenog pojasa. Takođe, kod ispitanica koje su vežbale Kik aerobik poboljšana je pookretljivost u ramenu, kao i kardiorespiratorni fitnes. Kik aerobik program mogao bi se koristiti kao efikasno sredstvo u nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja, a u cilju transformacije motoričkih sposobnosti učenika srednje škole.
Ključne reči: kik aerobik, adolescentkinje, fitnes sposobnosti