Vol. 9, No 1, 2011 pp. 91 - 98
UDC 796.323.2:57.018.725
Original empirical article
Aleksandar Čvorović, Miodrag Kocić, Dragana Berić
The Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia
Abstract. Disproportion is an omnipresent occurrence typical for both man and the natural world. Everything that is not identical on both sides of its axis can be considered disproportionate. Basketball is comprised of the following activities: running, jumping, changes of direction, abrupt stops, dribbling, passes, shooting, etc. All of the mentioned activities represent an essential part of the game but with all of them there is a tendency towards the disproportionate use of the extremities, so the left and the right sides of the body are employed differently. The aim of this research was to determine mutual disproportion, which occurs as the consequence of the quality of life and the sport the examinees play. One of the key things was finding out all the possible differences among the three age categories, that is, among the relevant variables and the extent to which they are manifested. A total of 64 young basketball players took part in the research. They were divided into three age groups according to the propositions of the Serbian Basketball Association. The set of measuring instruments comes from the anthropometric (body height - AVIS and body mass - AMAS) and the motor (leg movement frequency, dominant and ancillary - TAPND and TAPNN and hand movement frequency, dominant and ancillary - TAPRD and TAPRN) space and the participants had to fill in a questionnaire, the function of which was to determine their dominant extremity on the grounds of the answers given. A formula for calculating the disproportion coefficient (Jatrjembskaia & Titov, 1999) was used in this research for all the measured variables related to the extremities. The formula is as follows: AS=D ND/D100. Along with the given formula which was used for determining the mutual relationship between the dominant and ancillary parts of the body, another formula which unified all the relevant variables was used: AS(n)=AS/n. The methods used from the field of comparative statistics were: the T–test and the variance analysis (ANOVA), and in the post-hoc analysis the Tukey test was used. The results show the anticipated differences in the movement frequency of the dominant upper and lower extremities.
Key words: disproportion, extremities, movement frequency, young basketball players.
Asimetrija je pojava koja je prisutna u našem okruženju i svojstvena je ne samo čoveku, već se javlja u čitavom živom svetu. Sve što nije identično sa obe strane ose može se smatrati asimetričnim. Kod aktivnosti trčanja, skoakanja, naglih promena pravca kretanja, driblinga, šutiranja, koji predstavljaju sastavni deo košarkaške igre, javlja se tendencija da se ekstremiteti ne koriste uvek proporcionalno i u istoj meri, pa imamo razliku u angažovanosti leve i desne strane tela. Cilj istraživanja je utvrđivanje međusobne asimetrije koja se javlja kao posledica načina života i specifičnosti sportske igre kojom se ispitanici bave, te da se utvrde eventualne razlike u odnosu na tri različite uzrasne kategorije, odnosno da li postoje međusobne razlike među grupama u pogledu svih ispitivanih varijabli i u kojoj meri su izražene. Uzorak ispitanika čine 64 dečaka, mladih košarkaša, raspoređenih u tri grupe na osnovu starosti, odnosno uzrasne kategorije kojoj pripadaju na osnovu propozicija KSS. Uzorak mernih instrumenata je iz antropometrijskog (visina tela-AVIS i masa tela-AMAS) i motoričkog prostora (frekvencija pokreta noge, dominantna i nedominantna–TAPND i TAPNN i frekvencija pokreta ruke, dominantna i nedominantna–TAPRD i TAPRN), a ispitanici su popunjavali i upitnik koji se tiče utvrđivanja dominantnog ekstremiteta, a utvrdjuje se na osnovu dobijenih odgovora. Za prezentaciju i analizu podataka u ovom istraživanju je korištena formula za izračunavanje koeficijenta asimetrije (Jatrjembskaia & Titov 1999;) za sve merene varijable koje se odnose na ekstremitete, a ona je sledeća: AS = D – ND / D 100. Osim navedene formule koja utvrđuje međusobni odnos dominantnog i nedominantnog dela tela, upotrebljena je i formula koja objedinjuje sve varijable koje su opservirane a glasi: AS(n) = AS / n. Iz oblasti komparativne statistike: T- test i analiza varijanse (ANOVA), a za post-hoc analizu korišten je Takijev test (Tukey). Dobijene su očekivane razlike u frekvenciji pokreta kod dominantnog donjeg i gornjeg ekstremiteta.
Ključne reči: asimetrija, ekstremiteti, frekvencija pokreta, mladi košarkaši