Vol. 9, No 1, 2011 pp. 45 - 54
UDC 797.215
Original empirical article

Ana Perišić1, Slađana Antonijević1, Sandra Tepić1, Miodrag Živković4
1HBO Medical Center, Belgrade, Serbia
2Section for Health/Psychology Prevention and Coordination Ministry of Interior, Republic of Serbia (Sector for Emergency Managment)
3Clinical Department of Cardiovascular Diseases Medical Center "Zvezdara",Belgrade, Serbia
4HBO Medical Center, Beograd, Serbia

Abstract. Flack test belongs to group of EKG stress tests. It is used to estimate functional adaptation of cardiovascular system to intensive stress by concomitant exposure to overpressure in the lungs (40mmHG) and apnea over 1 min. 627 male subjects have been tasted, at the age between 18 and 22 years. EKG was registered continuously at rest before exposure, during overpressure and apnea, and after test during recovery. Flack test is presented in a sitting position and it consists of three phases: (1) the phase at rest, (2) the phase of inspiratory apnea with overpressure in lung of 40 mmHg and (3) the phase of healing. Equipment needed for the test is: EKG apparatus, U tube partitioned in millimeters Hg till "O" sign and with rubber hose with mouthpiece at the end, rubber nose clamp and the test watch. There were 46,5% registrated changes of EKG (3.4% at rest phase, 42.4% in an apnea phase and 11% in a 3rd phase). The changes of P wave are recorded in 26.2%, QRS complex at 15.2%, ST segment at 3.8% and T wave in 7%. R/T phenomenon is registrated in 0.8% and assistolia in 0.33%. The value of Flack's test is in detection of hidden physiologic or pathologic abnormalities in young and healthy persons who intend to practice diving professionaly or sportly.
Key words:  Flack's test, divers, EKG.

Flakov test spada u grupu EKG stres testova. Namenjen je za procenu funkcionalnog prilagođavanja kardiovaskularnog sistema na intezivni stres izazvan istovremenim delovanjem nadpritiska u plućima (40mmHg) i voljnim prekidom disanja trajanja od 1 minuta. Ispitanici su bili muškarci starosne dobi od 18 do 22 godine, ukupno je testirano 627 ispitanika. Tokom Flackovog testa kontinuirano je sniman EKG kroz sve faze testa (u miru, tokom nadpritiska u plućima i oporavku). Pribor potreban za izvođenje testa je: EKG aparat, U-cev graduisana milimetarskom podelom ispunjena živom do oznake "O" sa produženim gumenim crevom koje se završava piskom za usta, gumena štipaljka za nos i štoperica. Ukupno je kod 46.5 % ispitanika nađen izmenjen EKG zapis (3,4% u fazi mirovanja, 42,4% u fazi nadpritiska i 11% u fazi oporavka). Promene P talasa u 26,2%, QRS kompleksa u 15,2%, T talasa u 7% i ST segmenta u 3,8%. Fenomen R/T registrovan je u 0,8%, a asistolija u 0,33%. Značaj Flakovog testa jeste u tome da otkrije skrivene fiziološke ili patološke abnormalnosti kod zdravih i mladih ljudi koji imaju nameru da se sportski ili profesionalno bave ronjenjem.
Ključne reči: Flakov test, ronioci, EKG