Vol. 8, No 2, 2010 pp. 173 - 181
UDC 612.766:796.012.11
Original empirical article
Saša Bubanj1, Saša Milenković1, Ratko Stanković1, Radoslav Bubanj1, Mladen Živković1, Andrija Atanasković1, Tomislav Gašić2
1University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Niš, Serbia
2University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Banja Luka,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Abstract.The vertical jump is designed to assess the functional performance of the lower extremity (-ies) in both health and injured individuals. The "Myotest" (Myotest SA, Sion, Switzerland), as an instrument, gives us the technology and methodology to assess the abovementioned performance. The "Spinal Mouse" (Quantum Health and Wellness Ltd, Wallasay, England) instrument gives us the technology and methodology to assess postural status, i.e. for the spinal examination of the participants. AIMS: The aims of the actual research were to determine and quantify the variables of explosive strength of the lower extremities and the sagittal postural status of the participants, to determine if there is a significant difference between the variables of explosive strength of the lower extremities, to determine if there is a significant difference between the variables of sagittal postural status, as well as to determine if there is a correlation between the variables of explosive strength of the lower extremities and the variables of sagittal postural status. Nine participants involved in different sport activities constituted the sample, with a body height of 178,00±11,36 in cm, weight of 77,00±13,95 in kg and age of 22,89±1,62 years (Mean±St.Dev.). For the purpose of explosive strength assessment, the participants performed five vertical jumps (CMJ), by using three different protocols of maximum vertical displacement: 1) with a takeoff on the left leg; 2) with a takeoff on the right leg; 3) with a takeoff on both feet. For the purpose of the spinal examination, the participants were positioned in normal standing position. The descriptive statistics showed that the highest values among all the variables of explosive strength were obtained after the CMJ protocol was performed with a takeoff on two feet. In the case of the spinal examination, the descriptive statistics showed a large number of postural deformities. In the case of the correlation between explosive strength and the postural status of the participants, a significant correlation was determined only between certain variables of explosive strength obtained after both CMJ protocols with a takeoff on one leg (left or right) and certain variables of sagittal postural status. The modern way of life strongly influences postural status. When, e.g., the decrease in lumbar lordosis is not followed by an adequate decrease in thoracic kyphosis, the pelvis needs to compensate, ie. change the inclination. If the mentioned compensation is not enough to keep a balanced position of the CG, the patients change the angle in the knee joints. The fact that a correlation between certain variables of explosive strength and certain variables of sagittal postural status was determined, led the authors to the conclusion that a larger sample of participants could point to a more significant correlation. The obtained results could be useful to the participants of the actual research, and all other patients in achieving their goals, which are proper sagittal postural status and adequate muscular potential of lower extremities by application of regular physical activity, and appropriate corrective exercises, determined by experts in the domain of corrective gymnastics.
Key words: Explosive strength, vertical jumping, sagittal postural status, correlation
Vertikalni skok je osmišljen u cilju procene eksplozivne snage donjeg (-ih) ekstremiteta i zdravih i povređenih ispitanika. Uređaj "Myotest" (Myotest SA, Sion, Switzerland), poseduje tehnologiju i metodologiju za procenu navedene eksplozivne snage. Uređaj "Spinal Mouse" (Quantum Health and Wellness Ltd, Wallasay, England) poseduje tehnologiju i metodologiju za procenu posturalnog statusa, tj., ispitivanje kičmenog stuba ispitanika. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su da se utvrde i kvantifikuju varijable eksplozivne snage donjih ekstremiteta i sagitalnog posturalnog statusa ispitanika, da se utvrdi da li postoji značajna razlika između varijabli eksplozivne snage donjih ekstremiteta, da se utvrdi da li postoji značajna razlika između varijabli sagitalnog posturalnog statusa, kao i da se utvrdi da li postoji povezanost varijabli eksplozivne snage donjih ekstremiteta i varijabli sagitalnog posturalnog statusa. Devet ispitanika koji upražnjavaju različite sportske aktivnosti je sačinjavalo uzorak, visine 178,00±11,36 u cm, težine 77,00±13,95 u kg i starosti 22,89±1,62 godina (Mean±St.Dev.). U cilju procene eksplozivne snage, ispitanici su demonstrirali pet vertikalnih skokova (CMJ), koristeći tri različita protokola maksimalnog vertikalnog pomeranja: 1) sa levom odskočnom nogom; 2) sa desnom odskočnom nogom; 3) odskokom sa obe noge. U cilju ispitivanja kičmenog stuba, ispitanici su zauzimali normalan uspravan stav. Rezultati deskriptivne statistike su pokazali, da su najveće vrednosti varijable eksplozivne snage ostvarene primenom protokola (CMJ) odskoka sa obe noge, dok je kod posturalnog statusa primetan veliki broj deformiteta. U odnosu na korelaciju eksplozivne snage i posturalnog statusa, značajna korelacije je utvrđena samo između određenih varijabli eksplozivne snage utvrđenih nakon primene CMJ protokola izvedenih sa jednom odskočnom nogom (levom ili desnom) i određenih varijabli sagitalnog posturalnog statusa. Moderan način života utiče na posturalni status. Kada recimo, smanjenje lumbarne lordoze nije "propraćeno" adekvatnim smanjenjem torakalne kifoze, karlica vrši kompenzaciju, tj., promenu inklinacije. Ukoliko navedena kompenzacija nije dovoljna da bi se održao ravnotežni položaj težišta tela (TT), osobe menjaju ugao u zglobovima kolena. Činjenica da postoji korelacija između određenih varijabli eksplozivne snage i određenih varijabli sagitalnog posturalnog statusa, navode autora na pretpostavku, da bi brojniji uzorak ispitanika mogao da ukaže na značajniju korelaciju. Dobijeni rezultati mogu biti od koristi samim ispitanicima koji su učestvovali u aktuelnom istraživanju, kao i svim ostalim pacijentima u postizanju njihovog cilja, a to je pravilan sagitalni posturalni status i adekvatan mišićni potencijal donjih ekstremiteta, regularnim upražnjavanjem fizičkih aktivnosti, odnosno primenom odgovarajućih korektivnih vežbi, određenih od strane stručnih lica iz oblasti korektivne gimnastike.
Ključne reči: eksplozivna snaga, vertikalni skok, sagitalni posturalni status, korelacija