Vol. 8, No 2, 2010 pp. 141 - 148
UDC 796.012.112
Review article

Milan Čoh1, Vesna Babić2
1University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia

Abstract.The purpose of the present review article is to bring together some of the most important findings from the field of maximum speed development from the aspect of biomechanical, motor and neuro-muscular factors. Maximum speed is a complex biomotor ability, which manifests itself in real sports situations and is an important generator of the success of athletes in various sports disciplines. Efficiency of maximum speed is defined in terms of frequency and the length of one's stride. Both parametres are mutually dependent; they also depend on the processes of the central regulation of the motor stereotype. From the biomechanical point of view, a running stride as a basic structural unit depends on the eccentric-concentric muscular cycle of take-off action. Utilisation of elastic strength in the muscular-tendon complex and pre-activation of m. gastrocnemius is highly important in this segment. Maximum speed is a very limited hereditary biomotor ability which is characterized by a reduced possibility for controlling movement. The cerebellum, co-activation of muscles in the kinetic chain and the frequency of activation of motor units play important roles in controlling the activation of agonists and antagonists. The primary goal of training is to create an optimal model of the motor stereotype in the zone of maximum speed. Such a process has to be long-term and methodical.
Key words: sprint, motor steretype, take off-action, controling movement, EMG activation

Cilj ovog preglednog rada je da poveže neke od najznačajnijih otkrića na polju razvoja maksimalne snage sa aspekta biomehaničkih, motoričkih i neuro-mišićnih faktora. Maskimalna brzina je kompleksna biomotorička sposobnost, koja se manifestuje u sportskim situacijama i koja je važan faktor uspeha u različitim sportskim disciplinama. Efikasnost maksimalne brzine definiše se u pogledu učestalost i dužine jednog koraka. Oba parametra zavise jedan od drugog; takođe zavise i od procesa centralne regulacije motoričkog stereotipa. Sa biomehaničke tačke gledišta, trčeći korak je osnovna strukturalna jedinica koja zavisi od ekcentrično-koncentričnog mišićnog ciklusa. Upotreba elastične snage u kompleksu mišića i tetiva i predaktivaciji m. Gastrocnemius-a je jako bitna za ovaj segment. Maksimalna brzina je veoma ograničena nasledna biomotorička sposobnost koja se odlikuje umanjenom sposobnošću za kontrolisanje pokreta. Mali mozak, ko-aktivacija mišića u kinetičkom lancu i učestalost aktivacije motoričkih jedinica igraju važnu ulogu u kontrolisanju aktivacija agonista i antagonista. Primarni gol treniranja je da se stvori optimalni model motoričkog stereotipa u zoni maksimalne brzine. Ovakav process mora se odvijati na duge staze i mora biti sistematski sproveden.
Ključne reči: sprint, motorički stereotip, start, kontrola pokreta, EMG aktivacija