Vol. 8, No 2, 2010 pp. 107 - 113
UDC 796.332..33
Original empirical article
Aleksandar Milojević, Veroljub Stanković
University of Priština, Teacher Training Faculty in Leposavić, Serbia
Abstract. The aim of this research was to apply a battery of 11 tests of motor abilities based on the structure of motor abilities model by Kurelić et al. (1975), on a sample of 123 subjects aged 14 to 15. The research was carried out with the purpose of gaining information regarding the development of motor abilities of younger adolescents. This work represents a longitudinal study which lasted for a period of one year. The results of this investigation obtained by the method of quantitative change analysis show that there are some small differences in the results of the tests of motor abilities during development between the ages of 14 to 15. Six statistically significant differences related to the test for the assessment of coordination, flexibility, explosive strength, force and repetitive strength were obtained. These results are the consequence of genotype influence on the development of motor abilities, but also of the educational and extracurricular systematic influence in schools. The increase in motor abilities at this age can optimally be predicted by the results of speed tests.
Key words: adolescents, motor abilities, quantitative change analysis, motor development
Cilj istraživanja je bio da se na uzorku od 123 ispitanika muškog pola, starosti 14 i 15 godina primeni baterija od 11 testova motoričkih sposobnosti prema modelu strukture motoričkih sposobnosti Kurelića i saradnika (1975) radi dobijanja saznanja o razvoju motoričkih sposobnosti kod mlađih adolescenata. Rad predstavlja istraživanje longitudinalnog karaktera u trajanju od godinu dana. Rezultati istraživanja, dobijeni metodom kvantitativne analize promena, pokazuju da postoje male razlike u postignuću na testovima motoričkih sposobnosti u toku razvoja od 14-te do 15-te godine ali je dobijeno i šest statistički značajnih razlika i to kod testova za procenu koordinacije, fleksibilnosti, eksplozivne snage, sile i repetitivne snage. Ovakvi rezultati su posledice kako uticaja genotipa na razvoj motoričkih sposobnosti tako i sistematskog uticaja nastavnih i vannastavnih aktivnosti u školama. Porast motoričkih sposobnosti u ovom uzrastu optimalno se može predvideti rezultatitima testova brzine.
Ključne reči: adolescenti, motoričke sposobnosti, kvantitativna analiza promena, motorički razvoj