Vol. 8, No 1, 2010 pp. 59 - 69
UDC 159.947.5:796
Original empirical article

Boris Milavić, Dražen Guć, Đurđica Miletić
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Teslina 6, 21000 Split, Croatia

Abstract. On a sample of 118 female and 104 male primary school students aged 13±1.2 years, a study was carried out with the aim of determining the relation among different types of motivation in sport compared to the perceived sport competence. To determine the type of motivation in sport, a questionnaire Task and Ego Orientation Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) was used. With the aim of determining the structure and measure of the Perceived Sport Competence (PSC) a new instrument of measure was constructed according to the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) by Marsh. According to the analysis of the results, an important difference between female and male students was not statistically determined neither according to the level of orientation of motivation in sport nor in the assessment of competence on the General PSC scale. A statically important difference in the results of the Specific PSC scale was found in which male pupils have considerably higher results than female pupils. An additional analysis showed how the cluster of medium task/low ego orientation considerably differed from the two clusters of those questioned (clusters of medium task/high ego and high task/high ego). Finally, the construction of the two scales of perceived sport competence with high quality metrical characteristics, and the differentiation of male and female students by the Specific PSC according to the different type of motivation in sport, especially ego orientation, enabled both a scientific and practical application in the analysis of motivation in sport in the sample of school aged children.
Key words: Task-Ego orientation, Perceived competence, Primary school students

Na uzorku od 118 učenica i 104 učenika u dobi od 13±1.2 godina provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja relacija između različitih tipova motivacije za sport u odnosu na percipiranu sportsku kompetenciju. Za utvrđivanje tipa motivacije za sport korišten je upitnik Task and Ego Orientation Sport Questionaire (TEOSQ). U cilju utvrđivanja strukture i mjerenja Percieved Sport Competence (PSK) konstruiran je nov mjerni instrument po uzoru na Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) prema Marsh-u. Prema analiziranim rezultatima nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između učenica i učenika po stupnju orijentacije motivacije za sport niti u procjeni kompetentnosti na ljestvici opće PSK. Nađena je statistički značajna razlika na rezultatima ljestvice specifične PSK na kojoj učenici imaju značajno više rezultate od učenica. Dodatna analiza je pokazala kako se klaster srednji task/niski ego orijentacije značajno razlikuje od dva klastera ispitanika (klastera srednji task/visoki ego i visoki task/visoki ego). U konačnici, konstrukcija dviju ljestvica percipirane sportske kompetencije vrlo kvalitetnih metrijskih karakteristika te razlikovanje učenika i učenica po specifičnoj PSK prema različitom tipu motivacije za sport, posebice ego orijentacije omogućuju kako znanstvenu tako i praktičnu primjenu u analizama motivacije za sport na uzorku školske djece.
Ključne reči: Task-Ego orentacija, percipirana kompetencija, učenici osnovne škole