Vol. 8, No 1, 2010 pp. 21 - 30
UDC 796.323.3:159.9
Original empirical article

Saša Jakovljević, Milivoje Karalejić, Ljubiša Lazarević
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education Belgrade, Serbia

Abstract. The aim of the study was to investigate the conative dimensions of both senior and junior elite basketball players. In the sample of 80 senior and 80 junior basketball players, members of the best basketball senior and junior teams of Serbia, the following questionnaires related to the assessment of conative dimensions were administered: Cattell's 16 PF questionnaire (16 variables were obtained), Spielberg State Anxiety Trait – STAI (one variable was obtained), and the Havelka and Lazarević questionnaire of sports achievement– MSP (three variables were obtained). Standard descriptive statistics and factorial analysis, the main components method, were applied in data processing. In both groups of subjects, a latent structure of conative dimensions was expressed in seven factors, which in seniors encompass 64.594 % of the overall variance, and in juniors 67.672% of the overall variance. The factors were interpreted based on the highest projections of certain variables on the main components and based on the inspection of arithmetic means values. In the case of seniors, these factors can be interpreted as: orientation to achievement, extraversion, upbringing, emotional stability, self-reliance, imaginativeness and rationality. In the case of juniors the factors are interpreted as: emotional reactions, orientation to competition, sensitivity, reliance, apprehension, independence and orientation to achievement. The correlation between these factors within the latent structure of conative dimensions in both groups of subjects is not significant, meaning that these factors represent independent wholes.
Key words: basketball, psychology, questionnaires, players

Cilj studije je bio da se istraže konativne dimenzije elitnih košarkaša seniora i juniora. Na uzorku od 80 košarkaša seniora i 80 košarkaša juniora, članova najboljih košarkaških seniorskih i juniorskih ekipa u Srbiji su primenjeni upitnci za procenu konativnih dimenzija: Katelov 16 PF upitnik (dobijeno 16 varijabli), Spilbergov inventar crta anksioznosti – STAI (dobijena jedna varijabla), i upitnik sportskog postignuća – MSP (dobijene tri varijable) Havelke i Lazarevića. U obradi podataka je primenjena standardana deskriptivna statistika i faktorska analiza, metoda glavnih komponenata. Kod obe grupe ispitanika latentna struktura konativnih dimenzija je izražena u sedam faktora, koji kod seniora obuhvataju 64.594 % ukupne varijanse, a kod juniora 67.672 % ukupne varijanse. Faktori su interpretirani na osnovu najviših projekcija pojedinih varijabli na glavne komponenete i inspekcije vrednosti aritmetičkih sredina. Kod seniora se ovi faktori mogu interpretirati kao: orjentacija na postignuće, ekstravertnost, vaspitljivost, emocionalna stabilnost, samopouzdanje, maštovitost i racionalnost. Kod juniora faktori se intrepretiraju kao: emocionalne reakcije, orjentacija na takmičenje, osetljivost, pouzdanje, samouverenost, samostalnost, i orjentacija na postignuće. Povezanost između ovih faktora unutar latentne strukture konativnih dimenzija kod obe grupe ispitanika nije značajna, što znači da ovi faktori predstavljaju nezavisne celine.
Ključne reči: košarka, psihologija, upitnici, igrači