Vol. 7, No 2, 2009 pp. 161- 169
Original empirical article
Daniel Stanković1, Aleksandar Joksimović1, Aleksandar Raković1, Michail Michailov2, Danica Piršl1
1Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University in Niš, Niš, Serbia
2Department of Sport training, Faculty for Coaches, National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: extrineds@gmail.com
Abstract. The basic aim of this research was to determine the metric characteristics of the specific strength of sports climbers' tests. The research was conducted on a sample of 14 sports climbers at the national level, aged 18 to 27, those who can climb at least a VIII-route by means of 9 specific strength sports climbers' tests (three tests each for the estimation of specific explosive, specific repetitive and specific static strength). The obtained results point to the conclusion that homogeneity of the specific explosive strength tests in sports climbers is remarkably high, homogeneity of the specific repetitive strength tests is high and acceptable and of the tests of static strength is acceptable and barely acceptable. As for the distribution of data around the arithmetic means in all of the administered test there was normal symmetry and scattering. Also, all of the specific strength tests have very high reliability and belong to a hypothetical factor responsible for the estimation of the specific strength of sports climbers. The biggest coefficient of correlation with the first main component in tests for specific explosive strength shows a test of maximal left hand grab, in tests for the estimation of specific repetitive strength shows a test of pull-ups on two fingers phalanges and in tests for the estimation of specific static strength - block under 90˚ angle on left hand, so these tests could be used as a small battery of tests for the estimation of the specific strength of sports climbers.
Key words:
Metric characteristics, specific strength, sports climbing
Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se odrede metrijske karakteristike testova specifične snage sportskih penjača. Istraživanje je sporvedeno na 14 sportskih penjača saveznog ranga, uzrasta od 18 do 27 godina koji mogu da popnu smer minimalne težine VIII-, uz pomoć 9 testova za procenu specifične snage sportskih penjača (po tri testa za procenu specifične eksplozivne, specifične repetitivne i specifične statičke snage). Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da testovi za procenu specifične snage sportskih penjača imaju solidnu diskriminativnost, veoma visoku pouzdanost i pripadaju hipotetskom faktoru odgovornom za procenu specifične snage sportskih penjača. Testovi: maksimalni dohvat levom rukom, zgibovi na falangama dva prsta i blok pod uglom od 90° na levoj ruci, preporučuju se kao manja baterija testova za procenu specifične snage sportskih penjača.
Ključne reči:
metrijske karakteristike, specifična snaga, sportsko penjanje