Vol. 7, No 1, 2009 pp. 101 - 112
UDC 796.012.2:572.08
Original empirical article

Radmila Kostić, Ratomir Đurašković, Saša Pantelić, Dobrica Živković, Slavoljub Uzunović, Mladen Živković
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia
E-mail: rkost@medianis.net

Abstract. The aim of the research was to determine the nature of the relation between the anthropometric characteristics and coordination skills on a sample of girls and boys. A total of 91 boys and 85 girls made up the sample of subjects. They were all first grade elementary school students from Niš. We used three measures for the evaluation of longitudinal dimensionality (body height, leg length, and arm length), three measures for the evaluation of transversal dimensionality (shoulder width, pelvic width and hip width), five measures for the evaluation of circular dimensionality and body mass (body weight, thorax volume, upper arm volume, thigh volume and calf volume)and five measures for the evaluation of subcutaneous fatty tissue (triceps skin folds, subscapular skin folds, abdominal skin folds, thigh skin folds and medial calf skin folds). The following measuring instruments were used for the evaluation of coordination skills: horizontal jump rope, 20 side steps with a baton, and running and rolling (a newly constructed test). A multivariate analysis of variance showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the coordination skills of the boys and girls at the p=0.003 level. There is no statistically significant connection between the anthropometric characteristics and coordination skills for the sample of boys, while there is one for the girls. The resulting canonical factor of anthropometric characteristics was defined as the factor of transversal dimensionality, circular dimensionality and subcutaneous fatty tissue, and the canonical factor of coordination skills was defined as the general factor of coordination.
Key words:  anthropometrics, coordination, relations, skills, children

Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi kakve su relacije između antropometrijskih karakteristika i koordinacionih sposobnosti na uzorcima devojčica i dečaka. 91 dečak i 85 devojčica je činilo uzorke ispitanika. Svi oni pohađaju prvi razred osnovnih škola grada Niša. Primenjene su tri mere za procenu longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti (body height, leg lenght, arm lenght), tri mere za procenu transverzalne dimenzionalnosti (shoulder width, pelvic width i hip width), pet mera za procenu cirkularne dimenzionalnosti i mase tela (body weight, thorax volume, upper arm volume, thigh volume i calf volume) i pet mera za procenu potkožnog masnog tkiva (triceps skinfolds, subscapular skinfolds, abdominal skinfolds, thigh skinfolds i medial calf skinfolds). Za procenu koordinacionih sposobnosti primenjeni su merni instrumenti Preskakanje horizontalne vijače, 20 iskoraka sa provlačenjem palice i Trčanje i valjanje (novokonstruisani test). Multivarijantna analiza varijance je pokazala da postoji statistički značajna razlika u koordinacionim sposobnostima između dečaka i devojčica na nivou p=0.003. Između antropometrijskih karakteristika i koordinacionih sposobnosti ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost na uzorku dečaka, dok na uzorku devojčica postoji. Dobijeni kanonički faktor antropometrijskih karakteristika je definisan kao faktor transverzalne, cirkularne dimenzionalnosti i potkožnog masnog tkiva, a kanonički faktor koordinacionih sposobnosti je definisan kao generalni faktor koordinacije.
Ključne reči: antropometrija, koordinacija, relacije, sposobnosti, deca