Vol. 7, No 1, 2009 pp. 91 - 99
UDC 793.3.33
Original empirical article
Elena Strešková, Matej Chren
Comenius University Bratislava, the Faculty of Physical Education and
Sports, Slovakia
E-mail: streskova@fsport.uniba.sk
Abstract. Our intention is to examine five Latin-American dance
couples (10 athletes) by using FiTRO Sway check stabilographic system (Hamar
et al., 1993) for balance ability evaluation of Latin-American dancers
and expert evaluation of sport performance in individual Latin-American
dances. Research measurements of posture stability after routine and special
loading conditions confirm the positive changes in static balance (in the
3rd measurement after the fitness preparation an improvement of static
balance occurred on the significance level (p < 0.10) between 2nd and
3rd measurement), in the dynamic balance (improvement after the fitness
preparation was statistically significant on the level (p < 0,01) between
2nd and 3rd measurement). The most important findings in our research are
the measured values of static balance after the specific loading – five
Latin-American dances on the level (p < 0.01) between the 2nd and the
3rd measurement. The most significant changes were observed in a measurement
after an experiment comprised of the fitness and gymnastics program. This
program was added to the fitness preparation of dancers at the expense
of special dancing preparation reduction for the period of three months.
Improvement of both static and dynamic balance levels was observed as well
as a dance efficiency enhancement, especially in the criteria "balance".
Key words: sport performance, Latin-American dances, balance
Naša namera je da pregledamo pet parova Latino-američkih plesača (10
atleta) korišćenjem FiTRO provere njihanja stabilografik sistemom (Hamer
et al., 1993) za evaluaciju sposobnosti ravnoteže latino-američkih plesača
i izvršimo ekspertsku evaluaciju sportskog izvođenja u pojedinačnim
latino-američkim plesovima. Istraživačka merenja telesne stabilnosti
nakon izvođenja i specijalni uslovi opterećenja potvrđuju pozitivne
promene u statičkoj ravnoteži (u trećem merenju nakon fitnes pripreme,
poboljšanje u statičkoj ravnoteži se desilo na značajnom nivou p<0.10
između drugog i trećeg merenja), u dinamičkoj ravnoteži (poboljšanje
nakon fitnes pripreme je statistički značajno na nivou p<0,01 između
drugog i trećeg merenja). Najvažnije otkriće u našim istraživanjima
su merene vrednosti statičke ravnoteže nakon specifičnog opterećenja
pet latino-američkih plesova na nivou (p<0.01) između drugog i trećeg
merenja. Najznačajnije promene su uočene u merenju nakon eksperimenta
koji obuhvata fitnes i program gimnastike. Ovaj program je dodat u fitnes
pripremu plesača na štetu redukcije specijalnih priprema plesača u periodu
od tri meseca. Poboljšanja i u statičkim i dinamičkim nivoima ravnoteže
su uočeni kao i poboljšanja efikasnosti plesa, posebno u kriterijumu
Ključne reči: sportsko izvođenje, latino-američki plesovi,