Vol. 6, No 2, 2008 pp. 159 - 168
UDC 793.3:12
Scientific Paper

Alen Miletić1, Đurđica Miletić2, Boris Maleš2
1"Citius-Altius-Fortius" Scientific – Sport Society, Split, Croatia
2Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Kinesiology, University of Split, Croatia,
E-mail: mileticd@pmfst.hr

Abstract. The purpose of the present research was to identify the possible influence of some of the morphological characteristics on the Self - Estimate Functional Inability because of Pain SEFIP score through detecting the morphological differences of 13±1 (N=27) year old girls and boys, beginners in standard dances. SEFIP was measured after 10 lessons of an intensive standard dance training program. The morphological variables were measured at the beginning of the study and included body weight, height, body mass index (BMI); triceps skinfold, calf circumference, knee diameter and foot length. We analyzed (1) the differences between the boys and girls in all variables, (2) post- training differences in pain sensation for each body region and (3) the prediction of the SEFIP score from the morphological variables for the boys and girls separately. The statistical analysis (ANOVA) found significant differences between the genders in palm width, knee diameter and foot length. Multiple regression analyses revealed an increased triceps skinfold as a significant predictor of the SEFIP score only for the female dance beginners. Pubescent girls with increased body fat probably had an increased risk of injury in a dance training program. In order to avoid pain in training with standard dance beginners, previous warm - ups of the neck, back, knees and ankles/feet muscles is recommended, especially in the case of the male subjects (according to the topological monitoring on the SEFIP score).
Key words:  gender differences, standard dance beginners, SEFIP - score

Svrha ovog istraživanja je da se identifikuje uticaj nekih morgoloških karakteristika na SEFIP skor kroz detekciju morfoloških razlika 13±1 (N=27) starih devojčica i dečaka, početnika u sportskom plesu. SEFIP je meren posle 10 časova treninga standardnog plesa. Morfološke varijable su merene na početku studije i uključivale su:visinu, težinu, body mass index (BMI), kožni nabor tricepsa, obim trupa, dijametar kolena i dužina stopala. Analizirali smo (1) razlike između devojčica i dečaka kod svih varijabli, (2) post-trenažne razlike u osetu bola za svaki region tela i (3) predviđanje SEFIP skora na osnovu morfoloških mera posebno za devojčice i dečake. Statističko analizom (ANOVA) su pronađene značajne razlike između polova u širini dlana, dijametru kolena i dužini stopala. Multipla regresija je otkrila da je kožni nabor tricepsa značajan prediktor SEFIP skora samo kod devojčica početnica u sportskom plesu. Devojčice u pubertetu sa povećanim masnim tkivom verovatno su imale povećan rizik povreda u treningu plesa. U cilju izbeganja pojave bola u treningu standardnog plesa kod početnika, predlaže se zagrevanje mišića vrata, leđa, kolena i stopala, naročito kod dečaka (prema topološkom monitoringu SEFIP skora).
Ključne reči: polne razlike, početnici u sportskom plesu, SEFIP- skor