Vol. 6, No 2, 2008 pp. 147 - 157
UDC 796.12
Scientific Paper
Goran Vučković1, Milivoj Dopsaj2,
Radovan Radovanović1, Aleksandar Jovanović2
1Academy of Criminalistic and Police
Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
2University of Belgrade, Faculty of
Sport and Physical Education, Serbia,
E-mail: milivoj@eunet.yu
Abstract. Using duty weapons is part of the obligatory professional
skills of police officers, for which they must be trained in the appropriate
way. The aim of this paper is to define the efficiency of the basic training
program in handling weapons involving police officers of both sexes. The
research population included 71 subjects (25 female subjects and 46 male
subjects), students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies
in Belgrade, who attended the basic course in handling duty weapons, and
who had no prior knowledge of shooting. The subjects were tested 3 times
during the course: at the beginning of the course (Test I), in the middle
(Test II), and at the end of the course (Test III). The tests included
precise shooting at a circle target with 10 bullets and at a distance of
10 meters. Each test was applied under standardized conditions of the rifle
range, without a time limit on the shooting. The results were analyzed
using multivariate statistic methods (the GLM multivariate model). Generally
speaking, the results showed a statistically significant difference in
shooting training efficiency between different sex subjects, at a Wilks'
Lambda level of 0.849, F = 6.046, p = 0.040. The results showed that the
subjects showed significant differences only at the initial measuring (Test
I), whereas under the influence of training, the shooting skills of both
groups had become homogeneous. In the case of the female subjects, the
initial shooting efficiency was 29.32% (Test I), 63.04 % (Test II), and
69.32% (Test III), while for the male subjects it was 50.74% (Test I),
70.37 % (Test II), and 73.92% (Test III). In other words, the same shooting
program increased the final shooting efficiency level by 136.43% among
the women, while among the men the increase was 45.69%.
Key words: police training, shooting efficiency, shooting
training effects
Upotreba službenog oružja pripada kategoriji profesionalih policijskih
veština i sposobnosti, za koje policajci moraju biti osposobljeni na adekvatan
način. Cilj ovog rada je definisanje efikasnosti primenjenog programa
osnovne obuke za upotrebu službenog oružja kod populacije policajaca
oba pola. Istraživanje je realizovano na uzorku od 71 ispitanika (25 devojaka
i 46 mladića), studenata Kriminalističko policijske akademije iz Beograda,
koji su pohađali osnovni kurs obuke u rukovanju službenim oružjem, a
bez prethodnog iskustva u pucanju iz pištolja. Ispitanici su testirani
tri puta za vreme obuke i to na početku (Test I), u sredini (Test II)
i na kraju obuke (Test III). Testiranje je realizovano primenom preciznog
pucanja u kružnu metu sa 10 metaka i sa distance od 10 metara. Svaki test
je izvršen u standardizovanim uslovima pištoljskog strelišta i bez vremenskog
ograničenja pucanja. Sirovi rezultati su analizirani primenom multivarijantne
statističke metode – generalnog linearnog modelovanja (GLM). Na generalnom
nivou je utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između efikasnosti pucanja
između polova na nivou Wilks Lambde od 0,849, F=6,046, p=0.040. Takođe
analize su pokazale da je razlika utvrđena jedino na inicijalnom testiranju
na Testu I. U odnosu na ispitanice vrednost efikasnosti upotrebe službenog
oružja je bila 29,32% (Test I), 63,04% (Test II) i 69,32% (Test III),
dok je za ispitanike bila na nivou od 50,74% (Test I), 70,37% (Test II)
i 73,92% (Test III), respektivno. Isti program osnovne obuke za upotrebu
službenog oružja je kod ispitanica povećao efikasnost pucanja za 136,43%,
dok je kod ispitanika taj napredak bio na nivou od 45,69%.
Ključne reči: osnovna obuka policajaca, efikasnost pucanja,
efekti treninga pucanja