Vol. 6, No 2, 2008 pp. 135 - 146
UDC 793.3:796.012.11
Scientific Paper
Slavoljub Uzunović
University of Niš, The Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia
Abstract. The aim of this research was to study the effects of a
modern dance program on the changes in strength, speed and coordination.
The sample of subjects consisted of 60 female subjects aged 13 and 14,
who were divided into two sub-samples. The first one consisted of 30 female
subjects who made up the experimental group, all of whom were members of
the "La Luna" dance clubs in the towns of Vranje and Niš, while the other
30 female subjects, students of the "Ratko Vukićević" elementary school
in Niš, made up the control group.
The experimental program lasted for 18 weeks, and included two weekly
training sessions, each lasting for a period of 60 minutes. The subjects
trained using the "Disco-dance" technique which included simple and complex
elements of technique, jumps and turns. The choreography of the "Disco-dance"
included basic technical, elementary and complex combinations – multiplications.
In addition, the subjects trained using elements of folk, sport, art, jazz
and hip-hop dancing. The subjects in the control group regularly took part
in their physical education classes.
Both groups were tested prior to and following the experimental program.
The results were processed using an analysis of covariance, the MANCOVA
and ANCOVA. The results showed that both groups had made improvements in
the studied abilities, but that the changes among the members of the experimental
group were more pronounced. The hierarchically highest changes that the
program led to had to do with the motor skill of coordination, followed
by speed and finally strength. The starting hypothesis of this research
was confirmed, meaning that an experimental program of modern sport dancing
has a significant effect on the changes in motor coordination, strength
and speed.
Key words: "Disco-dance", experimental program, female
dancers, motor skills, effects
Cilj istraživanja je bio da se istraže efekti programa modernog sportskog
plesa na promene snage, brzine i koordinacije. Uzorak ispitanika je činilo
60 ispitanica uzrasta 13 do 14 godina, podeljenih na dva subuzorka. Prvi
je činilo 30 ispitanica eksperimentalne grupe, članica P.K. "La Luna"
u Vranju i Nišu, a drugi 30 ispitanica kontrolne grupe učenica OŠ "Ratko
Vukićević" u Nišu. Eksperimentalni program je trajao 18 nedelja, dva
puta nedeljno po 60 minuta. Ispitanice su trenirale tehniku "Disko densa"
koja je obuhvatila jednostavne i složene elemente tehnike, poskoke i okrete.
Koreografiju "Disko densa" sačinjavale su bazične tehnike, osnovne i
složene kombinacije – multiplikacije, a pored navedenog ispitanice su
trenirale i elemente tehnike narodnog, sportskog, umetničkog, džez plesa
i hip-hopa. Ispitanice kontrolne grupe imale su redovnu nastavu fizičkog
vaspitanja. Obe grupe su testirane pre i posle eksperimentalnog programa.
Rezultati su obrađeni analizom kovarijanse MANKOVA i ANKOVA. Rezultati
su pokazali da su obe grupe značajno napredovale u ispitivanim sposobnostima
ali su promene kod ispitanica eksperimentalne grupe bile izraženije. Program
je hijerarhijski najveće promene izazvao u motoričkoj sposobnosti koordinacije,
potom brzine, pa snage. Potvrđena je osnovna pretpostavka ovog istraživanja
da eksperimentalni program modernog sportskog plesa značajno utiče na
promene motoričke koordinacije, snage i brzine.
Ključne reči: "Disko dens", eksperimentalni program, plesačice,
motoričke sposobnosti, efekti