Vol. 6, No 2, 2008 pp. 105 - 113
UDC 796.012:612.766
Scientific Paper

Psalman Vladimír
Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
E-mail: psalman@fsport.uniba.sk

Abstract. The aim of this study was to gain a better view of dynamic balance abilities and offer a new special diagnostic mean. A three-dimensional biomechanical analysis offers excellent possibilities and is very helpful for effective sport preparation and an effective training process. Eight young tennis players, aged 16 to18, were tested on balancing a fitball in different positions. One of the most difficult positions – standing on the fitball with isolated upper extremities – the Budha position - corresponds very closely to the level of balance abilities which play a key role in high performance in tennis. This diagnostic mean can lead to very precise observations and can bring many exact outputs. The tested tennis players achieved very stable postures with values mostly ranging between 146 and 152 degrees. We also found some dominant work of the left knee. In addition, this body segment reached a higher acceleration (up to 3 m/s2) than the same segment on the right side. This high velocity of each segment is needed to keep the balance and the peaks represent balance troubles with very quick corrections. At 10.090 s we can see a very stable position with velocities almost 0. They are 0.044 s for left knee and 0.068 s for right knee. Regarding acceleration, the situation is similar, but here we can see measurement at the same time (10.090 s). For reaching a very stable position, acceleration of the left knee (1.099 m/s2) and decceleration of the right knee (-1.640 m/s2) is needed. All these parameters are so precise that they are not visible to the naked eye. The obtained results are reasonable and characterize the dynamic balance of skilled athletes.
Key words:  dynamic balance, three-dimensional biomechanical analysis

Cilj ove studije je bio da se dobije dublji pogled na sposobnosti dinamičke ravnoteže i ponuda novog specijalnog dijagnostičkog značenja. 3D analiza pruža izvanredne mogućnosti i vrlo je korisna za efikasnost sportske pripreme i treninga. Osam mladih tenisera u dobi od 16 do18 godina su bili testirani u balansiranju fitnes lopte u različitim pozicijama. Jedna od najtežih pozicija - stoj na lopti sa izolovanim gornjim ekstremitetima - Budhi pozicija vrlo je bliska sa nivoom sposobnosti ravnoteže koja ima ključnu ulogu u vrhunskom tenisu. To dijagnostikovanje se može posmatrati vrlo precizno i doprinosi tačnosti u rezultatima. Testirani teniseri su imali stabilno držanje sa vrednostima uglavnom u rasponu između 146 i 152 stepeni. Našli smo i neki dominantni rad levog kolena i taj segment tela postiže veće ubrzanje (do 3 m/s2) nego isti segment na desnoj strani. Ova visoka brzina svakog segmenta potrebna je za održavanje ravnoteže u trenucima brze korekcije. U vremenu od 10,090s može se videti stvarno stabilna pozicija sa brzinom gotovo 0.0. Ona je 0,044s za levo koleno i 0,068s za desno koleno. Što se tiče ubrzanja, to je slično, ali ovde možemo videti mere u istom vremenu za postizanje vrlo stabilnog položaja, ubrzanja levog kolena (1,099 m/s2) i usporavanja desnog kolena (-1,640 m/s2). Svi ovi parametri su tako precizni da ne mogu biti vidljivi samo uz pomoć vlastitih očiju. Dobijeni rezultati su razumni i karakterišu dinamičku ravnotežu kvalitetnih sportista.
Ključne reči: dinamička ravnoteža, trodimenzionalna biomehanička analiza