Vol. 6, No 2, 2008 pp. 95 - 104
UDC 796.12.2
Scientific Paper

Dobrica Živković1, Aleksandar Dejanović2
1University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia
2Serbian State University at Novi Pazar, Department of Sport and Physical Education, Serbia
E-mail: dobrica@ffk.ni.ac.yu

Abstract. The aim of this study was to determine the possibility of predicting isometric endurance of the lumbar and abdominal musculature based on a sample of 199 boys, aged 7 to 10, who had an average height of 136.67cm (SD8.65) and average weight of 33.83 kg (SD8.45). The predictor set of variables consisted of anthropometric characteristics, and the criterion set of variables consisted of isometric endurance of the lumbar and abdominal musculature. The following variables were used to evaluate the anthropometric characteristics: body height, leg length, arm length, length of the upper arm, height while seated, shoulder width, pelvic width, knee diameter, body weight, average thorax volume, abdominal volume, hip volume, upper leg volume and calf volume. The following tests were used to evaluate the isometric endurance of the lumbar and abdominal musculature: the Biering-Sorensen test of endurance for the lumbar extensors, the endurance test for the lateral flexors of the torso, and the endurance tests for the flexors of the torso. The obtained data was processed by means of a regression analysis. The results and the discussion led us to the conclusion that there is a statistically significant correlation between the anthropometric characteristics and the endurance of the lumbar extensors and lateral flexors, and that the multiple correlation between the anthropometric characteristics and the endurance of the abdominal musculature is not statistically significant.
Key words:  anthropometrics, lumbar extension, abdominal and lateral flexion, prediction, young boys

Istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se istraži mogućnost predikcije izometrijske izdržljivosti lumbalne i abdominalne muskulature na uzorku 199 dečaka, uzrasta 7 do 10 godina, telesne visine 136,67 cm (SD8,65) i telesne težine 33,83 kg (SD8,45. Prediktorski skup varijabli činile su antropometrijske karakteristike, a kriterijume izometrijska izdržljivost lumbalne i abdominalne muskulature. Za procenu antropometrijskih karakteristika primenjene su sledeće varijable: telesna visina, dužina noge, dužina ruke, dužina nadlaktice, sedeća visina, širina ramena, širina karlice, dijametar kolena, težina tela, srednji obim grudnog koša, obim trbuha, obim kuka, obim nadkolenice i obim potkolenice. Za procenu izometrijske izdržljivosti lumbalne i abdominalne muskulature primenjeni su: Biering-Sorrensen-ov test izdržljivosti lumbalnih ekstenzora, test izdržljivosti laterofleksora trupa i test izdržljivosti fleksora trupa. Dobijeni podaci su obrađeni regresionom analizom. Rezultati i diskusija omogućavaju da se zaključi da između antropometrijskih karakteristika i izdržljivosti lumbalnih ekstenzora i laterofleksora postoje statistički značajne multiple korelacije. Multipla korelacija između antropometrijskih karakteristika i izdržljivosti abdominalne muskulature nije statistički značajna.
Ključne reči: antropometrija, lumbalna ekstenzija, abdominalna i lateralna fleksija, predikcija, dečaci