Vol. 6, No 1, 2008 pp. 41 - 50
UDC 796.012.1
Scientific Paper

Kamenka Živčić1, Biljana Trajkovski – Višić2, Manuela Sentderdi3
1Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Horvaćanski zavoj 15, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail: kamenka@kif.hr 2Elementary School "Ivan Goran Kovačić", Vrbovsko, 51 326 Vrbovsko, Croatia 3Croatian Olympic Committee, Trg Krešimira Ćosića 11, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail: manuella.sentderdi@hoo.t-com.hr

Abstract. On a sample of 96 children (57 children in the experimental group and 39 children in the control group), all at the age of four, initial and final measurements were carried out with the aim out of determining their motor abilities. On the basis of the participation of the experimental group in the realization of the sport program assigned to the preschool children, at a rate of four days per week for 50 - 60 minutes, all of the possible differences in motor abilities between the experimental and control group during the initial and final check-up over a period of nine months were observed. The tests used to check the motor abilities were: the "shuttle run" (agility test), walking backwards, "school-hops", sit-ups, long jump, holding pull-ups, V-sit and reach, the lateral split and lying extension. All the tests used to check motor abilities were evaluated for discrimination, reliability and validity. The obtained results pointed to valid metric test characteristics. Changes in the area of motor abilities were evaluated by a T-test for independent samples between the experimental and control group as part of an initial and final check. The obtained results show that there is no difference between the groups in the initial check, while in the final check there was a statistically significant difference showing the advantage of the experimental group, which points out that the children who participated in the sport program improved their motor abilities.
Key words:  sports program, preschool children, motor abilities

Na uzorku od 96 ispitanika (57 ispitanika sačinjavalo je eksperimentalnu grupu i 39 ispitanika kontrolnu grupu) starosne dobi četiri godine, sprovedeno je inicijalno i finalno merenje s ciljem procene motoričkih sposobnosti ispitanika. Na temelju sudelovanja eksperimentalne grupe u realizaciji sportskog programa namenjenog deci predškolskog uzrasta, u trajanju od četiri dana, nedeljno po 50 – 60 minuta, utvrđivane su moguće razlike u motoričkim sposobnostima između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe na inicijalnom i finalnom merenju u periodu devetomesečnog sudelovanja u sportskom programu. Testovi za proveru motoričkih sposobnosti bili su: "prenošenje kockica", hodanje četvoronoške u nazad, školica, podizanje trupa, skok u dalj, izdržaj u zgibu, pretklon u sedu, čeona špaga i zaručenje u ležanju. Svi testovi za procenu motoričkih sposobnosti podvrgnuti su procenama diskriminativnosti, pouzdanosti i valjanosti. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su dobre metrijske karakteristike testova. Promene u prostoru motoričkih sposobnosti procenjene su t – testom za nezavisne uzorke između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe na inicijalnom i finalnom merenju. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da nema razlika između grupa na inicijalnom merenju dok je na finalnom merenju došlo do statistički značajne razlike u korist eksperimentalne grupe, što ukazuje da su deca, polaznici sportskog programa, poboljšali svoje motoričke sposobnosti.
Ključne reči: sportski program, predškolska deca, motoričke sposobnosti