Vol. 6, No 1, 2008 pp. 11 - 20
UDC 796.41.85
Scientific Paper

Martin Pupiš, Ivan Čillík
Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Humanities, Matej bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic
E-mail: Pupis@fhv.umb.sk

Abstract. In our research we monitored the influence of intermittent hypoxic training on the body of an athlete. We evaluated oxygen saturation of the blood during hypoxia, which ranged from 90% down to 75%, at the end of a three-week course. These results were also confirmed by the oxygen content in the inhaled air, which at the end of the period dropped down even below 9%, and that corresponded to a simulated altitude of about 7000 m. Spiroergometry revealed an increase in VO2max, from 4105 ml.min-1 to 4364 ml.min-1, VO2max.kg-1 from 65,4 ml.min-1.kg-1 to 69,9 ml.min-1.kg-1 and submaximum performance W170 from 3, 34 W to 3, 40 W. Maximum performance in the 3-km walk improved by 13.7 seconds, the submaximum performance in the 10-km walk improved by 1:42 minutes. The load in the 10-km walk performed at the level of the anaerobic threshold showed an improvement of 1:29 minutes. We did not find any significant changes in the haematological components; the values of haemoglobin and haematocrit remained almost unchanged. A mild increase was recorded in the medium erythrocyte volume, which increased from 96.8 fl to 98.2 fl, and in the iron-binding capacity, which increased from 52 µmol.l-1 to 58 µmol.l-1. As far as blood is concerned, we found an increase in the number of reticulocytes from 5.1000-1 to 7.1000-1, which amounts to 40%
Key words:  intermittent hypoxic training (IHT), maximum oxygen consumption, blood components, saturation, maximum performance

U ovom radu pratimo uticaj nekontinuiranog hipoksičnog treninga na organizam sportiste. Ispitivali smo zasićenje krvi kiseonikom za vreme hipoksije, koje se kretalo od 90% do 75% na kraju tronedeljnog perioda. Posledica toga je i koncentracija O2 u udisanom vazduhu, koja je na kraju iznosila 9%, što je posledica simulacije nadmorske visine od oko 7.000 m. Pri spiroergometriji smo zabelezili porast VO2max od 4.105 ml.min-1 na 4.364 ml.min-1 i VO2max.kg-1 i to od 65,4 ml.min-1.kg-1 na 69,9 ml.min-1.kg-1, porast submaksimalnog rezultata W170 od 3,34 W na 3,40 W. Maksimalni rezultat na 3 km se poboljšao za 13,7 s, submaksimalni rezultat na 10 km se poboljšao za 1:42 min, a pri naporima na nivou aerobnog praga došlo je do poboljšanja rezultata na stazi od 10km za 1:29 min. Analize krvnih elemenata ne pokazuju značajne promene, pri čemu su vrednosti hemoglobina i hematokrita ostale nepromenjene. Promene smo primetili kod srednjeg obima eritrocita, koji se povećao od 96,8 fl na 98,2 fl, kao i kod vezivnog kapaciteta gvožđa od 52 µmol.l-1 na 58 µmol.l-1. Primećujemo i porast broja retikulocita od 5.1000-1 na 7.1000-1, što je povećanje za 40%.
Ključne reči: nekontinuirani hipoksični trening, maksimalna potrošnja kiseonika, krvi.