Vol. 5, No 2, 2007 pp. 153 - 162
UDC 796.42:66.098.4
Scientific Paper

Karim Azali Alamdari1,2, Mohammadreza Kordi2*,
Siroosce Choobineh2, Asghar Abbasi1

1Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Faculty of Humanities and Educational Science, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Tabriz, Iran
2Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
*E-mail: mrkordi@ut.ac.ir

Abstract. Nowadays, consumption of supplements and energy drinks is very common among athletes. However, there are limited studies in support of the necessity for energy drink consumption, before and during short term intensive exercises. There is also no data on the qualitative ranking of these products in delaying fatigue and the onset of lactate accumulation. The aim of this research was to investigate the acute effects of two energy drinks (ORGAZMA and MegaBasic) on the anaerobic power and blood lactate levels in male athletes. Thirty well-trained male athletes who were students volunteered (age: 22.34±1.74 years, height: 181.26±7.66 cm, weight: 76.37±6.85 kg and BF%: 13.2±2.7%) were randomly selected to participate in this study. This research was conducted on two separate sessions with four days of rest in between. In the first session, all of the subjects participated in the RAST test after having a standard breakfast and after having their blood lactate levels measured via the unpreferred hand mid-fingertip blood samples by a certificated lactometer in three phases[ 1); prior to test beginning, 2 and 3); two and six minutes after the test was finished]. In the second session, the subjects were randomly divided into three groups (Placebo, OR and MegaBasic). Then, each group received 6 ml/kg.bw of related beverages (forty minutes prior to the RAST test) immediately after having breakfast. Afterwards, the subjects participated in a RAST test for a second time. Our results showed that in the OR group, the minimum and mean power were increased respectively 11.01% and 9.15% and that the blood lactate levels which were measured two minutes after the RAST test, were decreased 3.63% (p<0.05). It can be inferred that ORGAZMA can be considered an ergogenic agents, but it appears that the ergogenic capacity of this energy drink is probably limited and transient in the case of acute administration.
Key words:  energy drink, anaerobic power, blood lactate, acute effects

U sadašnje vreme potrošnja dodataka i energetskih napitaka je veoma česta kod sportista. Međutim, postoje ograničena istraživanja u afirmisanju potrebe za konzumiranjem energetskih napitaka, pre i za vreme kratkog trajanja intenzivnih vežbanja. Takođe nema podataka o kvalitativnom rangiranju ovih produkata koji služe za odlaganje nastupa zamora i akumulacije laktata. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da ispita akutne efekte dva energetska pića (ORGAZMA and MegaBasic) na anaerobnu snagu i nivoe laktata kod sportista. Trideset dobro treniranih sportista studenata (starost: 22.34±1.74 godina, visina: 181.26±7.66 cm, težina: 76.37±6.85 kg i BF%: 13.2±2.7%) volontirali su i bili slučajno odabrani da učestvuju u ovom istraživanju. Ovo istraživanje je bilo podeljeno na dve odvojene sesije, sa 4 dana odmora između istih. U prvoj sesiji, svi subjekti učestvovali su u RAST testu, posle standardnog doručka i njihovi nivoi laktata su mereni uzimanjem uzoraka krvi iz srednjeg prsta sa preporučenim laktomerom u tri faze {(1) pre početka testa, 2 i 3) dva i šest minuta posle odmora kada je test završen}. U drugoj sesiji, ispitanici su bili slučajno podeljeni u tri grupe (Placebo, OR and MegaBasic). Onda je svaka grupa primila 6 ml/kg.bw navedenih napitaka (četrdeset minuta pre testa RAST) odmah posle uzetog doručka. Nakon toga, ispitanici su testirani RAST testom drugi put. Naši rezultati pokazuju da u grupi OR, minimum i prosečna moć su bile povećane respektivno 11.01% i 9.15%, a nivo laktata koji je bio meren dva minuta posle RAST testa, bio je smanjen 3.63% (p<0.05). Može se zaključiti da se ORGAZMA može smatrati ergogenetskim agensom, ali izgleda da je verovatno ergogenetski kapacitet ovog energetskog pića limitiran i kratkotrajan u slučaju stalne upotrebe.
Ključne reči: energetski napitak, anaerobna snaga, krvni laktati, akutni efekti