Vol. 5, No 1, 2007 pp. 37 - 46
Scientific Paper
Rahman Rahimi, Saeed Sadeghi Boroujerdi, Saeed Ghaeeni, Saeed Reza Noori
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences,
Kurdistan University, Sanandaj, Iran
E-mail: rahman.rahimi@yahoo.com
Abstract. In order to examine the effects of different rest intervals between sets on the training volume completed during a workout, eleven male bodybuilders served as subjects (Mean
SD, age= 22
± 1.4; mass=75
± 7.6 kg). All of the subjects performed a minimum of 3 strength workouts per week for a period of 2 years. Data collection took place over a period of four weeks with four testing session each week. During the first week, one repetition of the maximum (1RM) for the Bench Press (BP), Arm Curls (AC), Military Press (MP) and Leg Press (LP) were tested. Each of the next three weeks included four testing sessions (Saturday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday), during which four sets of exercises were performed with an 85% of 1RM load. During each testing session only one exercise was performed. During each testing session, exercises were performed with a 1, 2, or 5- minute rest interval between the sets. The training volume was defined as the number of repetitions completed over 4-sets and was measured for each rest condition and for each exercise. A statistical analysis was conducted separately for the training volumes in each exercise, and one-way repeated analyses of variance (ANOVA) with the Bonferroni Post Hoc demonstrated the significant differences between the training volume for each rest condition and exercise tested (P<0.05). The 5-minute rest between sets resulted in the highest training volume completed for all exercises, with the 2- and 1- minute rest conditions following in descending order. Our primary results support rest interval length as a strategy for increasing training volume, which is believed to enhance and stimulate greater strength and hypertrophy adaptations. Therefore, for the athletes that were involved in weight training programs in order to improve their maximum strength, it must be noted that rest interval length between sets is a critical component of a resistance-training program and this factor can lead to longer volumes of work.
Key words: rest interval, training volume, strength training
Za istraživanje efekata različitih intervala odmora između setova na trenažni volumen izvršenih u toku treninga, posluzilo je 11 bodibildera (Mean ±SD, starosti = 22 ±1.4 godine; mase = 75±7.6 kg). Svi ispitanici izvodili su minimum 3 treninga nedeljno za prethodne 2 godine. Dobijeni podaci sakupljani su u periodu od četiri nedelje na 4 testiranja svake nedelje. U prvoj nedelji testiran je (1RM) u Bench Press (BP), Arm Curl (AC), Millitary Press (MP) i Leg Press (LP). Svake od sledeće tri nedelje izvršena su četiri testiranja (subota, ponedeljak, sreda i petak), u toku kojih četiri seta vežbanja je izvedeno sa 85% od 1RM opterećenja, a na svakom testiranju izvođeno je samo jedno vežbanje. U toku svakog testiranja, vežbe su bile izvođene sa 1,2 ili 5 – minutnim intervalom odmora između setova. Trenažni volumen koji se definiše kao broj ponavljanja izvršenih u 4 seta, je meren za svaki uslov odmora i za svako vežbanje. Statistička analiza bila je sprovedena odvojeno za trenažne volumene za svako vežbanje. Univarijantna analiza varijanse (ANOVA) sa Boniferroni Post Hocs pokazuje značajnu razliku između trenažnih volumena za svaki uslov odmora i testirano vežbanje (p<0,05). Petominutni odmor između setova rezultira u najvišem trenažnom volumenu izvršenom za sva vežbanja, sledeći opadajući niz sa dvominutnim i jednominutnim uslovima odmora. Naš primarni rezultat podržava produženi interval odmora kao strategiju za povećanje trenažnog volumena za koji se veruje da menja i stimuliše veću snagu i hipertrofičnu adaptaciju. Prema tome, sportisti koji su uključeni u program treniranja dizanjem tegova za poboljšanje maksimuma snage moraju biti upoznati da trajanje intervala odmora između setova je kritična komponenta za program treniranja sa opterećenjem i ovaj faktor može rukovoditi dugotrajnim volumenom rada.
Ključne reči: interval odmora, volumen treninga, trening snage