Vol. 5, No 1, 2007 pp. 19 - 35
UDC 796.035.57:-058.833
Scientific Paper

Saša Pantelić1*, Radmila Kostić1, Milena Mikalački2, Ratomir Đurašković1, Nebojša Čokorilo2, Ivana Mladenović1
1The Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of Niš, University of Niš, Serbia
2The Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
*E-mail: panta@ffk.ni.ac.yu

Abstract. This research included 59 women aged 22 to 25, 29 of which made up the experimental group, and 30 the control group. The effects of a recreational aerobic exercise model on the indicators of functional abilities were studied. The experimental model of the recreational aerobic exercise model was realized three times a week, over a period of three months, and the duration of each individual exercise was 60 minutes. The duration of the aerobic part was 35 minutes. The functional abilities were evaluated by means of the following parameters: (1) resting heart rate (the number of heart beats per minute); (2) systolic blood pressure (mmHg); (3) diastolic blood pressure (mmHg); (4) absolute oxygen uptake (l/min); (5) relative oxygen uptake (ml/kg/min). The basic descriptive statistic parameters were calculated for all of the results, and the difference between the initial and final measuring was determined by a canonical-discriminant analysis. The multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) and the univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to determine the achieved effects of the exercise. A statistically significant difference was found to exist between the initial and final measuring in regards to the applied variables for the evaluation of functional abilities of the subjects belonging to the experimental group, while there were no statistically significant differences found in the case of the subjects belonging to the control group. The results from the final measuring also indicated that the realized recreational aerobic exercise model had a positive effect on the functional abilities of the female subjects belonging to the experimental group (p= .00). This research supports the existing conclusions about the positive effects of recreational aerobic exercise, on the condition that it is realized with the appropriate intensity, length and duration.
Key words: aerobic exercise, functional abilities, recreation, women

Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 59 žena hronološke starosti 22 do 25 godina, od kojih je 29 ispitanica činilo eksperimentalnu grupu, a 30 ispitanica kontrolnu. Istraživani su efekti modela rekreativnog aerobnog vežbanja na pokazatelje funkcionalnih sposobnosti. Eksperimentalni model rekreativnog aerobnog vežbanja realizovan je tri puta nedeljno, u trajanju od tri meseca, a dužina trajanja pojedinačnog vežbanja iznosila je 60 minuta. Trajanje aerobnog dela iznosilo je 35 minuta. Funkcionalne sposobnosti su procenjivanje sledećim parametrima: (1) puls u miru (broj otkucaja u minuti); (2) sistolni arterijski krvni pritisak (mmHg); (3) dijastolni arterijski krvni pritisak (mmHg); (4) apsoluta potrošnja kiseonika (l/min); (5) relativna potrošnja kisoenika (ml/kg/min). Za sve rezultate izračunati su osnovni parametri deskriptivne statistike, a za utvrđivanje razlika između inicijalnog i finalnog merenja primenjena je kanonička diskriminaciona analiza. Multivarijantna analiza kovarijanse (MANKOVA) i univarijantna naliza kovarijanse (ANKOVA) upotrebljena je za utvrđivanje ostvarenih efekata vežbanja. Između inicijlanog i finalnog merenja utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika kod primenjenih varijabli za procenu funkcionalnih sposobnosti kod ispitanica eksperimentalne grupe, dok kod ispitanica kontrolne grupe nije postojala statistički značajna razlika. Rezultati na finalnom merenju su takođe, pokazali da je realizovani model rekreativnog aerobnog vežbanja imao pozitivne efekte na funkcionalne sposobnosti ispitanica eksperimentalne grupe (p= .000). Ovo istraživanje je potvrdilo postojeće zaključke o pozitivnim efektima rekreativnog aerobnog vežbanja ukoliko se ono realizuje odgovarajućim intenzitetom, vremenom i trajanjem.
Ključne reči: aerobno vežbanje, funkcionalne sposobnosti, rekreacija